我信了你的鬼英文 信不信由你,这世上根本没有鬼.的英文怎么写


鬼的英文是怎么拼的?我忘了、 ghost

我信了你的鬼英文 信不信由你,这世上根本没有鬼.的英文怎么写

我相信你个鬼 翻译成英语 你好,用英语这样表达:I don't believe you at all.或者 I don't buy your story.或者 Save your crap.I don't believe you.请采纳,谢谢。

我信了你的鬼英文 信不信由你,这世上根本没有鬼.的英文怎么写

我相信你个鬼 翻译成英语 你好,用英语这样表达:I don't believe you at all.或者 I don't buy your story.或者 Save your crap.I don't believe you.请采纳,谢谢。1 Ghost/devil would believe 。

我信了你的鬼英文 信不信由你,这世上根本没有鬼.的英文怎么写

“我信你个鬼,你这个糟老头子坏的很”是哪里的方言? 这句话作者是广西 人

女生说,我信你个鬼,你个糟老头子坏的很,怎么回复 在女生是在调侃,想怎么回答都可以。如果彼此不很熟悉,那就严肃点回答:我不坏,相信我没错的。如果彼此很熟悉,可以调侃她:我这个糟老头子坏的很,你这个糟老婆子也一样。

(给某人的一份信)英语作文,大意为:我特别喜欢你讲的鬼故事,听说你要离开这个 The mysterious photoWhen I was a kid,my best friend and I were looking at old photos in his house.There was one of a family wedding,a group shot outside our local church.One of the men in the photo had no legs.Not like,was in a wheelchair or anything,but literally in the photo,his legs just stopped at the knee and you could see the huge old slabs of the church—they even matched perfectly with the slabs that were on either side.It was exactly the same as if you were looking at a photo and looked at the wall above his head,rather than below his knees.Now,I can't blame digital trickery as this photo was WAY too old for that(70s,maybe?Maybe someone with a working knowledge of photography could explain it.The weird thing is that the guy in the photo(my friend's uncle)ended up with diabetes and had both legs amputated at the knee years later.

信不信由你,这世上根本没有鬼.的英文怎么写 believe it or not,there is no such thing as a ghost in this world.

