小升初英语面试的几个问题 小学升初中英语面试回答范文


小升初英语面试介绍 大家好,很高兴来到这里,我叫张xx我是一个活泼的女孩,我11岁,我喜欢听音乐,我还喜欢看书,我擅长的科目是英语,我不喜欢喝纯牛奶,我喜欢喝奶茶,喜欢吃辣的东西,我有许多小伙伴,我喜欢和她们一起玩,我不喜欢体育,因为我不喜欢跑步,它会让我感到很累。谢谢你们的聆听。Everybody is good,very happy to be here,my name is XX I am a lively girl,I am 11 years old,I like to listen to music,I also like read a book,I am good at I don't like to drink pure milk,I like to drink tea with milk,like to eat spicy food,I have many small partners,I like to play with them,I don't like sports,because I don't like running,it will make me feel very tired.Thank you for your listening.望采纳,累死我了-小升初英文面试常见问题及其回答方式 答:我的口语,在我们班里是前50%吧,不算最好的,因为有些女生特别在意英语,简直都把优胜教育的课上遍了。说实话,我没有花费太多时间练习,就是按部就班过来的,过了。小升初面试英语的20个常见问题,英语能力是重点初中面试考察的重点,往往会通过用英语问一些问题,来考察学生的口头表达能力和临场反应能力。下面请看2014小升初面试英语的。求一篇英文自我介绍(小升初英语面试用) 在面试时有时还会碰到这样的时候,面试开始了,面试官给你一句话:说说你自己吧!这问题看似简单,实则不好回答,怎么说?说什么?该注意什么?去年大学毕业的燕子,前俩次。小学升初中的英语面试面试什么 第一轮主要考笔试一、写想上那个中学的原因,提纲:1、写写想上的学校的校园和学校,写些夸奖的话2、写自己获得过啥奖,也就是表扬自己罢3、对学校的期待二、还有个人爱好剖析,提纲:1、爱好什么,最好写与学习有关的爱好2、获奖,按由大到小,也就是国、省、市、县、校3、今后理想 注:写得实际点,不要太浮夸第二轮是听力及口语。1、听力只要听清,不要走神就好。2、口语是抽签朗诵文章,主要以科普类为主。3、还有两人一组表演领新同学进校园的小品,全部英文。注意:一定要大方,第一印象极其重要!小升初英语面试题 1.What's your name?2.How old are you?3.What grade are you in?4.What colour do you like?5.What animal do you like?6.What's your favourite toy?A car.7.What's your favourite colour?Red.8.What's your favourite fruit?An apple.9.What's your favourite animal?Pandas.10.What's your father?He is a policeman.11.What's your mother?She is a doctor.12.How old is your father(mother?38.(39.40.41.)13.Do you like swimming?Yes,I do.14.Do you like football?Yes,I do.15.Does your father(mother)like watching TV?Yes,he(she)does.小升初面试英语自我介绍(不要太短也不要太长) 随着英语的普及化教育,越来越多的社会岗位需要英语水平比较高的人才。有很多企业的HR在面试应聘者的时候都会要求用英语进行一下自我介绍。假如你正在一家你非常喜欢的企业面试,你应该怎样进行英语的自我介绍?而如果面试之前,自己有所准备的话,你所掌握的主动权也会更高一点。下面就来看一看,怎样用英语的来自我介绍吧:在这里也分享一下阿卡索的免费商务英语试听课程,纯正外教一对一进行学习,专业化的教师一定能帮助你在商务英语的能力上进行最大限度的提升,让你在职场上叱咤风云:开始可以这么说,\"I am someone who…\":(我是一个…)紧接着带上各种具体的内容:1、I can adapt to any situation.I thrive in a fluctuatingenvironment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones forachievements.我能适应任何情况。我在波动的环境中茁壮成长,我把出乎意料的障碍转化为成就的垫脚石。2.consistently innovates to create value.I findopportunities where other people see none:I turn ideas into projects,andprojects into serial success.不断创造出新的价值。我在别人忽视的地方找到机会:我能把点子转变成项目,再把项目转变。小升初英语面试的几个问题 我觉得是小升初的话,你的英语水平就不错了!除非你要求要是央视“希望之星”甚至像新加坡一样的双语国的孩子的水平。我这里暂且认为你作为一个平常小学生,就对语法改一下,其他不要求。Hello,my name is XXX.I’m 12 years old now.I like planting and plant lots of flowers.The flowers make my house beautiful.And of course,I also plant some other plants,because they produce fruit and then I will be happy.(再说一些关于种植的,会不会太难?I enjoy eating vegetables and fruit planted by myself during the scorching summer.On the other hand,it's an unforgettable experience to me.)I studied in XXX Primary School and I will go to middle school this september.I like and I will know a lot about it.So I hope to be accepted as a member of your school.小升初英语面试自我介绍-/谢谢 Dear teachers,let me introduce myself.My name is XXX.I'm 12 years old.I am a student from Class One Grade Six of Beda Huaishu No.One Primary School.I have many hobbies,such as calligraphy,reading and hosting.What's I like to make friends with all people in our school.I hope that I can enter the school to study and make friends here.Pls give me the chance and I will cherish it.Thank you.


