英语翻译 拥有权力的英文


“拥有至高的权力 ” 英语翻译 用多种解释 再给个最佳翻译 To possess the supreme power 最佳解释to have/own the paramount/highest/greatest power

英语翻译 拥有权力的英文

国家规定的公民基本权力是每个合法公民都拥有的用英语翻译 Every legitimate citizen shall claim basic power by nation

英语翻译 拥有权力的英文

冲昏头脑的英文怎么说? 每个人都想拥有权力,权力不是什么时候都是好的,权力可以使人冲昏头脑.Everyone's craving for power,but power is not as gorgeous as we assume all the time,it can also drive you to lose your mind.

英语翻译 拥有权力的英文

金钱,地位还是拥有更多的权利用英文怎么写 Money,status or have more rights

权力的英语怎么说 权力[词典]power;authority;influence;might;potence;[例句]那是权力的滥用。It's a stretch of power.

英语翻译 Is that time to lose when you finally get all the things you want?If after all I have money in hand and powers' wand but only to lose you,there's no one to blame.It's sorry just because the time is not okay.还特地帮你搞押韵了哈~意译的,相信我吧你可以自己读一下~比较符合你原来的味道

国家规定的公民基本权力是每个合法公民都拥有的用英语翻译 The fundamental rights of citizens regulated by the nation shall be owned by every legal citizen公民基本权利可以用固定习语:fundamental rights of citizens国家规定这里用regulated by拥有用own为加强强调用shall be请参看

拥有的英语咋说?是一个b开头的 拥有:1.to have2.to possessRelative explainations:land-poor>;<;have got>;<;in possession of>;<;own>;<;possession>;<;possess of>;<;possess>;(transport)>;<;be seized of>;<;owned>;<;provided with>;<;hold>;Examples:1.我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity.2.拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。It's a civic pride to have a champion.3.对我来说,拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。It's too much of an expense for me to own a car.4.他拥有许多不动产。He possesses a lot of immovable real property.5.他在山上拥有一栋巨宅。He possesses a huge house on the hillside.6.这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。The business is owned by two partners.7.那场运动后,自耕农再也不能拥有并在他们自己的土地上耕耘了。The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement.8.她在海滨拥有自己的房子。She owns a house at the seaside.获取:1.(v)gain;get;acquire2.win3.fgetc4.nab5.gettingExamples:1.当他得知对手是谁时,他立即断了想获取权力的念头。His idea of winning power quickly 。

表示权力的英语有哪些 权力复 power,authority有这些制近知义词道:charge,command,control,domination,force,influence,jurisdiction,might,.

