我不喜欢独自打发时间英语怎么说 英语翻译


打发时间用英语怎么说 打发时间的英语:kill time。重点词汇:1、kill英[k?l]美[k?l]vt.&vi.杀死…。vt.使停止[结束,失败];破坏,减弱,抵消;使痛苦,使受折磨;使笑得前仰后合,使笑死了。2、time英[ta?m]美[ta?m]n.时间;次;时代;时刻。vt.为…安排时间;测定…的时间;调准(机械的)速度;拨准(钟、表)的快慢。vi.合拍;和谐;打拍子。例句:1、I stayed in my room all day and tried to kill time by reading.我整天都呆在房间里看书打发时间。2、We had an hour's wait,so we played cards to kill time.我们得等一个小时,因此我们打牌来消磨时间。扩展资料:kill引申可用于计划、感情、希望等抽象事物,作“摧毁,扼杀”“否决”“消磨”“关闭”“抵消,中和”等解。kill还可作“吃光,饮尽”解,原为俚语,现在一般场合也可以用。kill可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。kill用作不及物动词时的主动形式有时可表被动意义。kill的主语既可以是人(个体的人或集团的人),也可以是动物或任何无生命的事物,如战争、灾害等。kill与half,almost,nearly等修饰语连用时,可以表示“杀而未死。

我不喜欢独自打发时间英语怎么说 英语翻译

英语翻译 In my free time.i often go to watch tv to kill time,especially enjoys watching the financial services,there are many people think television is a very dull and meaningless waste of time one thing.it is not,there's is a society,a large stage,let us know and understand of the world stage。

我不喜欢独自打发时间英语怎么说 英语翻译

打发时间\"的的英文翻译_翻译打发时间\"的Killing timetime_翻译time 英[ta?m]美[ta?m]n.时间;次;时代;时刻;vt.为…安排时间;测定…的时间;调准(机械的)速度;拨准(钟、表)的快慢;vi.合拍;和谐;打拍子;[例句]Time passed,and still Ma did not appear时间一点点过去,马先生仍然没有出现。[其他]第三人称单数:times 复数:times 现在分词:timing 过去式:timed

我不喜欢独自打发时间英语怎么说 英语翻译


打发时间的英文怎么说.. kill timeEverybody needs to relax themselves,have fun and kill time

英语翻译 Not knowing from when,the word\"Independence\"is getting far from me.There are many times when I want some company.But one should stand on his own to survive his life.One should explore his route of life all by himself.I don't like the changes taking place within me,because all the chanegs are meant to cater to the world unwillingly.Maybe it is also made to let the world accept my floating soul.Recently I can feel my changes clearly.Several years ago,the thing I am most afraid of is Change.But changes are everywhere.When I look back,the first thing I feel is helplessness.I am abandoned by myself in a strange maze.When i discovered I can't go back to old days I d=found i am surrounded by fear.It is an old saying that if we want to get something,we must first give up something.But i just don't know whether the exchange is worth it.No matter if it is worth it or not,i can not change a single thing.There is no future and there is no past.I think that's why everyone is busy on the run.I 。

