他们打算明年去旅游翻译成英语 英语翻译


英语翻译 Thank you very much for correcting my essay.Now I've go back to China,I will show you around if you have an chance come to China.I think there will be students choose u to be their teachers next year because of my recommend.

他们打算明年去旅游翻译成英语 英语翻译

打算明年去游乐园用英语怎么翻译 打算明年去游乐园Going to visit the amusement park next year.

他们打算明年去旅游翻译成英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 He is going to go to Australia for a vacation.

他们打算明年去旅游翻译成英语 英语翻译

英语翻译 He and his girlfriend disappeared in a blink He will meet an old friend here in order to catch up on each other.I want to drop by my uncle next week when I travel in BeiJin They are supposed to ar.


他打算明年秋天去北京旅游 翻译 He is going to travel to Beijing

英语翻译 spend our vacation

明年我打算去泰国旅游,你去吗?翻译成英语? 悟空问答合作邮箱:wendahz@toutiao.com 悟空问答侵权投诉通道:jubao@toutiao.com 京ICP备12025439号-14 京公网安备11000002002030号 网络文化经营许可证 跟帖评论自律。

明年我打算去九寨沟旅游 翻译英语 I'm planning a tour to jiuzhaigou valley next year

怎么用英语表示“他们打算明年去北京” 很多朋友已经给出了答案,都翻得很不错,我也来学翻,我个人认为此句的难点在于翻好“打算”这二字,我用“want”:They want to go to Beijing next year.or They are making a plan of going to Beijing next yea.

