英语翻译 In response to your request in the letter dated 12 Oct,we are glad to send you informal invoices,in quadruplicate,as enclosed.
英语翻译 We're sorry to inform you that the product you inquired has been discontinued.Last year when we updated our website we have also introduced many new products,many of them are selling really well in England.We sincerely hope that you would go through the selections again and find something that you're interested,we will be glad to help you with our quotation.
求英文翻译:我们的产品畅销国内外市场 Our products are popular in domestic and foreign market.
淘卖下游热销品是什么意思?是我们的相关产品还是? 1688首页 我的阿里 批发进货 已买到货品 优惠券 店铺动态 生产采购 去采购商城 发布询价单 发布招标单 管理产品目录 销售 已卖出货品 发布供应产品 管理供应产品 管理旺铺 。