我每天完成作业都会和它玩耍。用英语怎么说 1688.com 广告 公司注册_工商执照代办_快至3天拿证 国内公司无忧注册,覆盖31个城市,低至9.9元,全程代办,免费核名,快速拿证.9.9元开. huaweicloud.com 广告 本搜索结果。翻译英语句子;我们每天至少花两个小时完成作业 我们每天至少花两个小时完成作业1 Every day we spend at least two hours doing our homework2 Every day we take at least two hours to do our homework3 Every day,it takes us at least two days to do our homework.英语翻译小句子、英语好的来 1.Li Ming lives near from the school,therefore,he walks to school everyday.2.It costs me roughly half an hour to finish homework.3.My home is far from the school.4.I called a taxi to the World Park5.He will show up in the park at eight during workdays.英语翻译 这个暑假我过的很简单,每天定时完成作业,做适当的休息,较值得一说的应是在认真研究下做的几种饮品,也许味道不是非常美味,但我想造型应该算是不错的,我相信靠自己双手努力做成的事成功的 答:This summer I have been.英语翻译 not only the twins but also their father is interested in hepburnall the students in the class were abstractedwe can improve our by reading loudly every daythere is too much homework,i need 10 minutes to finish itthe film reminds me of my childhood英语翻译 1 He often complain about learning so many subjects.2 she doesn't watch TV until she finishes homework.3 I don't like comparing myself with other students.4 I find it important to have a diet.英语翻译 1.We can improve our by reading aloud everyday.2.My homework is so much that I need ten minutes to finish it.3.Parents always remind their children of getting away from fire.英语翻译 1.can't watch TV on school days.2.I must go home on time.3.We must do our homework first.4.get up at six every morning5.read books for twenty minutes every morning6.must go to bed at nine thirty every night英语翻译 1 Quantitative homework every day.2Read extracurricular books.3Usually Caution.请用英语翻译:我每天晚上花一个半小时做作业 It take me one and a half hours to do my homework in the eveningI spend one and a half hours doing my homework in the evening你的问题比较简单,所以很多人都来答,我也希望你能采纳我的答案,争取一下吧.咳咳.
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