中文翻译成英文 星期天你不能睡懒觉英文


星期天与其在家睡懒觉里面有关联词吗? 当然有了.【与其】

中文翻译成英文 星期天你不能睡懒觉英文

请问大家星期天是睡懒觉还是去玩?要玩的说明玩什么?随便说说你是干什么工作,在哪上班? 其实平时已经是很早起床了、所以星期天还是选择睡迟点可也不会太迟,大概9点半左右吧.可以和同学去聚聚呀,去逛街呀.我学生咧、哈哈、在学校学习呀

中文翻译成英文 星期天你不能睡懒觉英文

英语翻译 1.They get up late every Sunday.2.I don't like swimming,I like reading books.3.You should do the housework first.4.I want to listen to music after school.5.Kate often wash dishes for me on Saturdays.6.Lily and Millie play badminton every Tuesday afternoon.7.Jill has many friends such as Mary and Kate.8.Tom often chat with his friends after class.

中文翻译成英文 星期天你不能睡懒觉英文

英文翻译 The Sunday that I have been looking forward to is finally here.All I want to do is to sleep in.

英文翻译。我好不容易盼了个礼拜天,想睡个懒觉。 Sunday comes at last,I want a nice long lie-in.at last总算,lie-in懒觉,a nice long lie-in好好睡个懒觉

问星期天好不容易可以睡个懒觉 为什么总是早上醒来 生物钟的原因,平时什么时候醒,休息日也是这个时间醒来。只能说身体的自控力好,但是不会放松。

星期天早上,大明不打算睡懒觉用英语怎么说 Sunday morning,Daming not going to sleep星期天早上,大明不打算睡懒觉

英语翻译 当我看见她的时候,我恰好在博物馆前When I saw her,I just in front of the museum上个星期天我又睡懒觉了Last Sunday I slept in again当她在买纪念物的时候,飞机起飞了When she in buying mementos,the plane took.

初1英语几道难题会的帮助我下 1,They lie in each Sunday.2,I don't like swimming,I like reading books.3,You have to do housework first.4,I would like to listen to the music when my class is over.5,Kate gets used to washing my bowl on Saturday.6,Lily and Millie play the badmintoon every Tuesday.7,Jill has many friends,like Mary,Kate.8,Tom was used to talk with his friends after finishing class.9,too many/too much10,He usually gets up on 6'O clock.11,Will Lily do the homework in the afternoon.?12,Is nick sending E-mail to his friends again?13,Does Jill usually help you to do the housework on Saturday?14,He usually sleeps early.

