疯狂英语文章《my pledge my oath》(《我的誓言》) 李阳誓词我能行 我一定


如果开一家冰与火之歌主题餐厅,如何获得马丁老爷的授权,有哪些特色美食会吸引普通消费者和粉丝? 你理想的冰火主题餐厅是什么样的?欢迎抖机灵,出菜品,和如何联系Lord.乔治.啊啊.马丁。

疯狂英语文章《my pledge my oath》(《我的誓言》) 李阳誓词我能行 我一定


疯狂英语文章《my pledge my oath》(《我的誓言》) 李阳誓词我能行 我一定

疯狂英语文章《my pledge my oath》(《我的誓言》) What's your story?You can't speak。You can't understand。You feel bad。You feel hopeless。That's crazy。Cheer up。It's not the end of the world.Speaking is a piece of cake.Don't look back.Enjoy losing face.Just forget about you face.The mistake you make,the progress you make.Don't give up.Just try your best.Relax。Don't panic。Take it easy。Be patient and enjoy yourself.Learning should be fun.Speaking good is no big deal.It's worth your time and effort.It's an easy job.Do something about it.You have no choice.No excuses。Get moving.Let's get started。Let's talk in You'd better do it now.I have every confidence in you.I want to be proud of you.It's my pleasure to help you anytime.You can count on me。Don't worry about it.I'm serious.I'll try my best.We will make it together.你对此有何故事?你可以不说话。您可以不明白。你觉得不好的。您觉得无望。这是疯了。欢呼起来。这不是世界末日.英语为母语的英语是一块蛋糕.不回头看.享受失去face.just忘记你。

疯狂英语文章《my pledge my oath》(《我的誓言》) 李阳誓词我能行 我一定

西方人在结婚的教堂上神父与新娘和新郎说的是什么 我愿意她(他)成为我的妻子(丈夫),从今天开始相互拥有、相互扶持,无论是好是坏、富裕或贫穷、疾病还是健康都彼此相爱、珍惜,直到死亡才能将我们分开 西方婚礼誓词。

