百年孤独这本书原版就是英语写的吗,还是西班牙语写的 这本书是几百年前写的用英语怎么说


这本书是关于什么的,用英语怎么说? What's this book about?这本书是谁写的用英语怎么说 同学,为你解答:这本书是谁写的?可以翻译为:1 Who wrote this book?2 Who is the writer of this book?3 who is the author of this book?有疑问请继续追问,在线随时为你解答疑问!如果认可和满意我的回复,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~、手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。你的采纳是我前进的动力~这本书是被谁写的用英语怎么说 书名 is written by 作者如要突出以前写的,就是 书名 was written by 作者疑问句的话是Who wrote this book?或者 Who is the author of this book?作者是谁用英语怎么说 这本书你读过几次?how many time have you read the book?作者是谁怎么说who is the author?“这本书的作者是 ”用英语怎么说 这本书2113的作者是:5261英文翻译:4102The writer of the book is或:The author of the book is[例句]The original writer of the book is Jinyong.这本书的原作者是金1653庸。百年孤独这本书原版就是英语写的吗,还是西班牙语写的 这本书是几百年前写的。翻译英文 This book was written hundreds of years age.这本书他读过很多次,用英语怎么说 这本书他读过很多次.有两种表达方法,主动或者被动.主动式:\"He has been reading this book for many times.\"(现在完成进行时)被动式:\"This book has been read(by him)for many times.\"(现在完成时的被动语态)【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答。这本书是你的。用英语怎么说?(把几种情况都列举出来最好) the book is yoursthe book belongs to youyou posses the bookyou are in possession of the bookyou have possession of the book


