英语翻译 它在我背后英语怎么说


英语翻译 第一句:I was walking in the street,when suddenly somebody called me.第二句:We walked for a long time to see him,only to find that he went to countryside at the same time.第三句:We should look ahead for the future before going on the next step,第四句:If only they were here,we could celebrate his wedding anniversary.翻译的不是很好 请见谅

英语翻译 它在我背后英语怎么说

\ He is setting behind me.

英语翻译 它在我背后英语怎么说

他在我后面 英语怎么说..

英语翻译 它在我背后英语怎么说

\ he is in front of you.he is behind you.

我会一直在背后支持你的,用英语怎么说? 英语是:I'll stand by you all the time.句子解释:stand by 英[st?nd bai]美[st?nd ba?][词典]准备行动;信守诺言;站在旁边;[例句]British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary英国和美国的战舰已准备好在必要时将本国公民撤离出去。all the time 英[?:l e? taim]美[?l ei ta?m][词典](在该段时间内)一直;向来,一向;时时刻刻;每时每刻;[例句]All the time I was blind to your suffering.一直以来,我都没有意识到你遭受的痛苦。

英语翻译 Behind smile,I think,hide many unkonwn secrets.Smile is beautiful and charming,which can bring warmth and happiness to people.However,after reading the story,we know that,can bring about disasters as well.For example,Nike was nearly killed because of the smile of the mysterious girl and the millionaire's daughter was mulcted of a large fortune by Mr Hollywood's smile.Thertefore,we should never ne deluded by the surface of the food.

英语翻译 There's always secret behind the smile

“猜我背后藏了什么?”的英文怎么说? “猜我背后藏了什么?Guess what I hide behind me?楼主你好,非常高兴为你解答这个问题:希望可 以帮到你 望采纳

我一直在你身后 用英语怎么说? I am always behind you 释义:我一直在你身后。语法:always作“总是,永远,始终”解时只与一般时连用,不与进行时连用。用于进行时或口语中表示再三的、多次的重复行为。

