我的家乡在山西朔州500 我的家乡 英语作文


我的家乡朔州作文600字 我喜欢波澜壮阔的大海,也喜欢雄伟的泰山,但我更喜欢朔州的一年四季。春天,百花盛开,小鸟在歌唱,大地处处充满着生机,小花和小草都顽皮的探出了头,小鸟在树上歌唱着春天来了,春天来了。朔州的七里河大桥下面又开始了溪溪的水流声,好像都想看一看朔州春天的美丽与生机。夏天,烈日炎炎,大树成了最好的遮阳伞,许多人在大树下遮挡阳光,就连小鸟和小狗都跑过来一起遮阳玩耍,平朔生活区的老爷爷和老奶奶们跳着健美操,小朋友玩着溜冰鞋,音乐声,笑声润和在一起,给朔州带来了无限的活力。秋天,凉风习习,走在大街上,阵阵秋风迎面而来。金沙植物园里依旧鲜花朵朵,人山人海,人们迎接着丰收的果实和喜悦的心情。冬天,人们想躲在屋子里一个季节都不出来,等到下雪的时候,到处都银装素裹,十分美丽。第二天的时候,孩子们都会奔向操场,欢快的玩着打雪仗,堆雪人,那欢快的声音笼罩着整个朔州市。朔州的一年四季是美丽的,朔州的景色也是美丽的,我喜欢朔州的一年四季。作文 家乡人的骄傲――介绍 山西的景物 600字 加旁批 我的家乡在山西,我爱家乡四季的景色。春天最美是黎明。东边泛着鱼肚色的天空,染上微微的红晕,飘着红紫红紫的云彩。夏天最美是夜晚。每当夜幕降临时,广场上就热闹起来:。我的家乡是丘陵地形,适合种植什么作物? 1水果种植。如苹果,猕猴桃,西瓜,梨,草地莓等。2绿色无公害蔬菜种植。如各种菜的种植,要注意控制化肥和农药的科学施用。3粮食作物的种植。种玉米,山药,红薯,高梁,荞麦。等4中药材种植。黄芪,黄芩,远志,甘草,防风,丹参,党参等5茶叶种植。因丘陵多为红色酸性土壤所以种茶树很适合。山西作文大全栏目提供关于山西的作文、描写山西的作文、以山西为话题的作文等,欢迎踊跃投稿,发表您的文章。英语作文 My hometown My home is in Shanxi Province and pleasant scenery,seasons like spring,it's beautiful as King.I sat by a gentle stream of water was smooth bluestone ask on the stream that allowed the voice of calm in his right Qin Run to my heart,share of soft and subtle echoes in the depths of my heart.water passing sizes,strangely shaped rocks on the moss green domesticated hen.Quietly,moonlight integration into the streams,it seems that all things are in the United States to listen to this sound,sentiment this rosy picture.My thoughts have been flowing slowly drifting.An unprecedented a beautiful and wonderful,are along the traces of years of weathering Qin-dyed my breath.in the sparkling silver of the waves,I suddenly forgot what form of streams,sent a taste of what kind of sound but the rapt attention of a wholeheartedly into feeling.Streams that flow through my heart,delicate in consonance with each other,I with it had a tacit understanding of the.


