英语翻译 By using the method of the accident tree analysis,the explosion of the coal dust common accident is analyzed,and the drawing of coal dust explosion accident tree were,on the basis of the calculation of minimum cut set,the path set,and the structure importance analysis,so as to master of coal dust explosion the cause of the accident,laws,and advances some concrete measures of prevention,in order to ensure the safety of coal mine production.
英语翻译 By using fault tree analysis,we anlyzed the common accident from coal dust explosion and drew the fault tree analysis of coal dust explosion.Base on these work,we calculated the minimal cut sets,minimal path sets and analyzed the importance of structure.In order to grasp the real reason and discipline of coal dust explosion.And we proposed a specific control measures to ensure the safety of coal production.
粉尘爆炸的影响因素是什么? 粉尘爆炸受下列因素的影响:颗粒大小。所有粉尘都能以极细小的固体颗粒悬浮于空气中。粉尘颗粒越细,表面吸附空气中的氧就越多,因而越易发生爆炸。一般粉尘越细,燃点越低。
煤矿粉尘达到多少才有可能发生煤尘爆炸?求教? 每立方米45克到2000克。可查粉尘浓度极限表。