英语作文:描述一下上周末你是怎样度过的(七年级下学期的水平) I went to the zoo with my friends last Saturday,as it was a sunny day.We saw a lot of animals and then we had picnic on the grass.In the afternoon,we went to the book store to buy some books.On Sunday.你和你的家人在周末都干什么英语作文 At weekend,My father was very busy and my mother wiil finish her work at 6:00PM and then we will eat a nice dinner.After dinner,we will go to my grandma's house.At there I can get I need knowle.英语作文请你写写你家人的周末计划有翻译 共7 The weekend is coming. I will have a happy weekend. On Saturday morning,I’m going to do my homework.And then,I’m going out to play.I’m going to the。写一篇上周末做什么事的英语作文 Last week,on Saturday morning,I cleaned my room,it was very dirty,but now is very clean,so because of this I feel happy.In the afternoon,I went to the library,I read a book about Chinese history.We want to learn,make persistent efforts.On Sunday morning,I went to the uncle,and brother play together for a long time,I am very happy.In the afternoon,I watched a movie about aliens.I have such a happy weekend。Next weekend,I want to go to a classmate home,discuss with him.In the afternoon,I want to take a shower,good personal hygiene.I also want to go to the playground,relax.Hope I can be happy。上周,在星期六的上午,我打扫了自己的房间,它以前很脏,但现在非常干净,我的心情也因为这个随之高兴。下午,我去了图书室,我读了一本关于中国历史的书。我们要吸取经验,再接再厉。在周日上午,我去了叔叔家,和哥哥一起玩了很久,我很高兴。下午,我看了一场关于外星人的电影。我拥有一个多么快乐的周末啊!下个周末,我想去同学家,和他一起探讨问题。下午,我想要去洗澡,搞好个人卫生。我还想去游乐场,放松心情。。(英语作文 )中文提示; 昨天是星期天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去了公园.公园里人很多,有 Yesterday was Sunday,I went to the public park with my father and mother.There are many people in the park.There are also.简单介绍你的周末是怎么过的英语作文. I was busy last weekend.On Saturday,I got up at seven.Then I helped my uncle to sell fruits in the market.There were so mnay people in the market,and the fruits sold well.On Sunday morning,I got up late and had breakfast at eight.Then I did my homework.It took me two hours to finish doing it.Later in the afternoon,I played tabled tennis with my sisters.We had a good time.上个周末你是如何度过的(英语作文) 一个愉快的周末(A happy weekend) I have planned a happy weekend.Saturday morning,I must go to see me aunt.In the afternoon,I must go to the shopping center to go。你和你的家人在周末都干什么英语作文 At weekend,my father is busy.My mother will come home at six'o clock.We can have a tasty dinner.We can go to Grandma's home.In Grandma's home i can know many knowledges.We will have a good night.
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