描述心情的日记用英文怎么写(不少于六句) When you are old you will recall your past all those who are so fleeting moments are you sit in a rocking chair liangbinbanbai the movement of the legs and feet。字数少的英语心情日记 带翻译 Today I feel a little tired.I needed to finish my homework before school starts.Fortunately,I finally finished my homework and I can take a break.I feel better 。用英语写一篇心情日记(高兴的) October 1st,2006 Sunday CloudyToday was Sunday,and I don't have class today.I went to the People Park with my mother in the morning,and we had a good time.In the afternoon we bought some food and I help my mother with cooking.After the supper,I watched TV for half an hour.I began to do homework at 7:30PM,and finished it at 9:30PM.I had a busy day.I will meet my foreign friends tomorrow英语作文心情日记 My Mood DiaryIt seems that Hainan Island has not automn.After a hot summer,I thought it will become comfortable,but it turn cold so quickly.The freeze wind make myhand moves clumsy t.英文的个人心情日记 I'll always remember that I loved you.我会永远记得我爱过你
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