小学四年中英朗诵诗歌 推荐几首优美的英语诗歌朗诵!


适合初一的简单的英文诗,适合朗诵,最好是著名的,经典的,每一句中英对照,附上朗诵,可以随时听 我曾经用过的一篇,学姐只能帮你到这了Facing the Sea With Spring Blossoms 面朝大海,春暖花开From tomorrow on,I will be a happy man.Grooming,chopping and traveling all over the world.From tomorrow on,i wil.小学生五年级英文朗诵诗歌 Crossing the Bar By Alfred Tennyson And one clear call for me。And may there be no moaning of the bar,When I put out to sea,But such a tide as moving seems asleep,Too full for.推荐几首优美的英语诗歌朗诵! 泰戈尔世界上最远的2113距离 The most distant way in the world不是生与死的5261距离 is not the way from birth to the end而是我站在你面前 It is when I sit near you你不知4102道我爱你 that you don't understand I love you.世界上最远的1653距离 The most distant way in the world不是我站在你面前 is not that you're not sure I love you.你不知道我爱你而是爱到痴迷 It is when my love is bewildering the soul却不能说出我爱你 but I can't speak it out世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world不是我不能说我爱你 is not that I can't say I love you.而是想你痛彻心脾 It is after looking into my heart却只能深埋心底 I can't change my love.世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world不是我不能说我想你 is not that I'm loving you.而是彼此相爱 It is in our love却不能够在一起 we are keeping between the distance.世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world不是彼此相爱 is not the distance across us.却不能够在一起而是明知道真爱无敌 It is when we're breaking through the 。急需一首励志或者是富有哲理的英文诗歌,3分钟左右,朗诵用稿;最好有中英对照. Never forgetYour presence is a gift to the world.You're unique and one of a kind.Your life can be what you want it to beTake it one day at a time.Focus on your blessings,not your troubles.And you'll make it through what comes along.Have belief in your ability.Persist,have courage,be strong.Nothing wastes energy than worrying.The longer a problem is carried,the heavier it gets.Don't take things too seriously.Live a life of serenity,not a life of regrets.Don't put limits on yourself.Your dreams are waiting to be realized.Don't waste time making excuses.Reach for your peak,your goal。你的存在是献给世界地一份厚礼你是唯一的,是独一无二的你想要的生活能成为现实日子要一天天的过多关注好事,而不是烦恼不论有什么困难,你都能克服相信你的能力要有毅力、有勇气,要身心坚强焦虑最浪费精力问题拖的越久就变得越沉重不要事事都太计较过平静的生活,不要活在悔恨之中不要自我设限你的梦想等着你去实现不要浪费时间找种种借口攀登你的颠峰,追求你的目标


