英语关你什么事的几种说法 你再好关我什么事英语


英语翻译 请你把收音机的音量关小好吗?Will you please lower the volumeof your radio?Could you please turn down the radio?他每天至少做两个小时作业.He spends at least two hours on homework every day.He does homework for at least two hours every day.妈妈一直非常当心我的健康.My mother has always shown concern about my health.My mom cares about my health all the time.他们有充足的时间做这份工作.They have enough time to do this job.They have enough time to do the work.JACK不喜欢在公共场合说话.Jack doesn't like to speak in public places.Jack doesn't like to talk in public.他们不想参加运动会.They don't want to take part in the sports meeting.你们必须立刻离开办公室.You must leave the office immediately.You must leave the office right now现在越来越多的人开始学英语.Now and people are beginning to learn English.Nowadays,and people begin to learn

英语关你什么事的几种说法 你再好关我什么事英语

关你什么事哦,管好你自己。用英语怎么写? It's none of your business,JUST take care of yourself。

英语关你什么事的几种说法 你再好关我什么事英语

英语翻译 There're some flowers in my home.Could you please help me water them?Please close the door after you go out

英语关你什么事的几种说法 你再好关我什么事英语

英语关你什么事的几种说法 It's none of your business!这不关你的事!Watch your own business!管好你自己的事!You stick your nose to a wrong place。你管了不该管的事!(stick one's nose to。.

英语翻译 1.When Liu Mei arrived at the cinema,the film had been on for 5 minutes.2.When I arrived at the office before he has gone.3.English class before he hasn't finished the homework.4.I close the doors and windows of the classroom after the home.5.Tom told us he bought an Chinese dictionary.6.I didn't buy the dictionary,because my mother didn't give me enough money.7.His father said that he used to be a soldier.

英语翻译 1.Remember to give me a call to tell me the good news.2.It's none of your business that with whom we make friends.3.I wonder thet are still in New York now.4.I have to go over my lessons as there is a.


