初二英语作文 Dear friend,My name is Li Gang,i am 14/fourteen years old.I like collecting stamps.It is really my honor to have a chance to know you.Collecting stamps is really my hobby,and i collect 500 stamps in these 5 years.I keep them in an old book.There are many kinds of my stamps:the stamps about the Olympic games,the famous scientists,the animals and so on.If you are interested in making friend with me,please write to me soon.Best wishes to you。YoursLi gang一篇关于加入动物爱好者俱乐部已有一段时间90字左右的英语作文 Dogs are friends of human beings,but sometimes also bring me some small annoyance.For instance,in the night,people usually have entered the dreamland,this matter if dog barks,will disturb people rest,thus affecting the next day's work and study.For example,if the clean again the main streets,the dog defecate indiscriminately,not only affect the appearance tidy,sometimes also can cause some than necessary trouble.So,we have to further improve the dog feeding mode,let them night as quiet as possible,and to build specialized pet toilets dog,the harmonious coexistence of human and animal better.我的爱好初中英语作文 Do you know my hobby?My hobby is collecting stuffed animals.The frist one I ever got was a penguin stuffed animal on my seventh birthday.In fact I think its 。保护动物英语作文 保护动物,人人有责。我们在这个世界上生存需要有动物的陪伴,并且,很多的动物像小狗小猫已经变成很多人的家人。因此,保护动物应该是我们的责任。保护动物 An Appeal for。写一篇英语作文 Playing football is my favorite activity,but actually I falled in love with the game by chance.That was on my way home when I happened to pick up a football and played it with my friends.From then on,.英语作文加入动物爱好者俱乐部 您好:Dogs are friends of human beings,but sometimes also bring me some small annoyance.For instance,in the night,people usually have entered the dreamland,this matter if dog barks,will disturb people rest,thus affecting the next day's work and study.For example,if the clean again the main streets,the dog defecate indiscriminately,not only affect the appearance tidy,sometimes also can cause some than necessary trouble.So,we have to further improve the dog feeding mode,let them night as quiet as possible,and to build specialized pet toilets dog,the harmonious coexistence of human and animal better.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~求一篇英语作文。急急急急急急急急急。 Animals are out best friends,we all together make a beautiful world,and we can’t live without them.Today,our animal friends are in danger,so we should protect them,but how can we protect them?What on earth can we do?1、We should protect the water and the environment clean,because nothing can live without water and environment.We should also plant trees or give the animals a best living place.2、Don’t buy the wild animals meat,because no buying,no selling.Then no one will kill the animals and no animals will extinct.3、Telling the people around you what are the animals facing to.Tell them the dangerous of the animals,of our people,of the word.And ask them to protect the animals together.4、Don’t keep the animals in your home,or use in the show.It’s bad for them.And some people like to buy animals and release them,but it is also bad for the animals.Protecting the animals well,is a reallyquestion,and a difficultquestion.Anyway,we should try our best.Then we can protect the。写一篇英语作文 I like swimming so much that i go swimming twice a week,and watch swimming game on TV.Yeshiwen,the 16-year-old girl has just recently won a gold medal for China in London Olympic Games,really excite m.
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