他打算去上学英文翻译 他打算明天步行去上学。(翻译成英语)


我打算明天去上学用英语怎么说 我打算明天去上学I'm going to school tomorrow.用现在进行时代替【计划中不改变的一般将来时】

他打算去上学英文翻译 他打算明天步行去上学。(翻译成英语)

英语翻译 We often play together after school.2 I'm going to visit city park.3 how you go to school?4 the blue bird is singing loudly.5 what do you usually do?6 doctor salving patients.7 the police to our city became a place of safety.Do you want to)to become an astronaut?9 he lived in the rose garden district of wenzhou tower 2 1803.This building is ⑩ 10 layers,he lived in the attic.11 and campus has a garden,a swimming pool and a few court.12,who lived in the tallest building?13,(the way)in a traffic jam14 and the many cars,buses,and trolley in serious traffic jams advance slowly.15 and the girl is running through the zebra crossing.16 and shelf some potatoes and squid.17,Kitty went to the supermarket which department?18 and he spent 30 yuan to buy a book.19 and I like most is mom's pancake.20,you usually eat lunch?21 and your drink anything dinner yesterday?22,you had chocolaote sundae23 and good recipe is every day is with some meat and rice,vegetables and fruit.24,his 。

他打算去上学英文翻译 他打算明天步行去上学。(翻译成英语)

是关于英语翻译的: 1.你多久去游泳一次?一个月两次.How often do you swim?Twice a month.2.他经常上学迟到.He is often late for school.3.这儿夏天不常下雨.It doesn't rain often here in summer.4.虽然下者雪,但并不是很冷.Though.

他打算去上学英文翻译 他打算明天步行去上学。(翻译成英语)

我早就不想去上学了。 请用地道的英文翻译一下。 I have already had the thought of leaving school long time ago.早就不想上学,我把它引申成很早就有不想上学的想法了,仅供参考。

英语翻译 Where are they going to?Where do they plan to go?He is reading in the classroom.We are going to listen to music.What are you going to do?What do you plan to do?What is he doing?

英语翻译 这里就是:1.They are ready to go swimming next week.2.My father is the study look at the newspaper.3.Amy often walk to school.4.Tomorrow she did not intend to go to the library.5.There are many buses on the road.6.A two-minute walk east,then go straight.1.他们准备下周去游泳.2.我爸爸正在书房看报纸.3.Amy经常走路上学.4.明天她不打算去图书馆.5.路上有许多公共汽车.6.往东走两分钟,然后直走.

他打算明天步行去上学,翻译成英语 He is planing to go to school on foot tomorrow.

英语翻译 他宁愿步行上学.He[prefers][to][walk]to school你一点也不理解我.YOU do not[understand]me[in][the][slightest].如果一个朋友说了你的坏话,你该怎么做?what would you do if a friend[said][something][bad]about.

