谁有2篇150字左右的英语美文,我要背诵的 我背诵的经典美文有


谁有2篇150字左右的英语美文,我要背诵的 《YOUTH》YOUTHSamuel UllmanYouth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter ofrosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a matter of the will,aquality of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions;it is the freshness ofthe deep springs of life.Youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity,of theappetite for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of60 than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.Wegrow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry,fear,self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust.Whether 60 or 16,there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder,the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game ofliving.In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wirelessstation:so long as it receives messages of beauty,hope,cheer,courage andpower from men and from the Infinite,。给我推荐一些的文章来背诵吧! 人[苏]高尔基一…每当我心力交瘁的时刻,那如烟的往事便在我记忆中浮现,使我不禁心灰意冷,而我的思想则有如秋天冷漠无情的太阳,照耀着混乱不堪的尘寰,在杂乱无章的尘世。适合背诵的美文 因为懂得欣赏,我们才能领悟到美丽世界的种种奇观;因为懂得欣赏,我们才能发现人生的诸多坎坷,其实也是美妙的乐章;因为懂得欣赏,我们才能在被玫瑰刺伤手指后依然高兴而不心伤。陶潜欣赏“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的洒脱,不为五斗米折腰,生活悠闲自在;李白欣赏“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”的豪放,放鹿青崖,享受到了大自然无限风光的美好。秦桧沉迷权欲,害死岳飞,落得被后人唾骂的下场;成克杰欣赏名利,贪污受贿,结果枉送了卿卿性命。可见,同样是欣赏,会欣赏,欣赏正确的就快乐健康,而不会欣赏或欣赏不正确的就没有好下场。生活中常常有人抱怨自己缺憾多,不能像别人一样拥有成功的喜悦。其实,每个人都会有缺陷,就象被上帝咬过的苹果,有的人缺陷比较大,正是因为上帝特别喜欢他的芬芳。因此,我们不必在乎命运的安排,只要把握生命,就能扼住命运的喉咙,主宰自己的命运。正如缺陷,只要我们学会欣赏,我们就不会沮丧,因为我们正是那上帝特别喜爱的苹果。学会欣赏,就是在找不到辉煌的终点时,依然能欣赏到起点的期盼;学会欣赏,就是在达不到生命的顶峰时,仍然能感受到攀登的激情。学会欣赏,就是不沉沦于昨日的失败和挫折,而是从。大量背诵经典文章有哪些好处? 大量背诵经典文章,表面上看起来非常笨,实际上是效果昀好的学习语文的方法。因为小孩的理解力弱,但记忆力强,背下大量经典好文,实际上能终身受益。英语经典美文背诵 recycle to safe the earthnowsaday,our earth is reaching an alarming state.to safe our earth.it is important to recycle paper and other things like glass and aluminium can.through recycle,we can reduce the amount of rubbish greatly.for example,by reducing the amount of paper we use thorugh recycling,we can save trees in the world.trees help to absord carbon dioxide,hence reduce pollution in the air.in conclusion,I think recycle is the first step to reduce pollution on earth.hardworkingnothing can we get if we did not put much effort to it,if we want to get something we need,we must work for it.none of the great scientists and popular mans in the history getting famous without work hard.As a student,we must work hard too.if we do not work hard,we cannot get desirable job when we need to find a job after graduate from school.hence,to summarize,I THINK that hardworking is the key to success.sporti think everybody should like sport,whether it is indoor or outdoor.for me,i like。大量背诵经典文章有哪些好处?undefined-背诵,好处,经典,文章如何快速背诵文章,每个人在学生时期恐怕在语文书上最恨的四个字,莫过于“全文背诵”。看着长长的课文,总觉得,比起背书,还不如吃书呢。那如何将厚厚的书读薄背熟练呢?


