英语翻译 I am now in Shanghai engaging in making some architecture with imitation of some small towns in Germany.I need to go to Germany to investigate some details.So I need you to send an Invitation Letter inviting me and my assistant to Germany,as last time,in the name of your company.Is it OK?The time to Germany will be planned out after several days.Should it be OK,please send me an email.Thank you very much.
上海的街道为什么都是以别的地名作为名字? 这是当时的国民政府对道路命名的一种方案为基础制定的,没有特别的指向,主要道路多采用主要的省市名。这些路名,解放后变动也不大。解放后,新政权要对上海的路名要进行改置,后来的大量全国地名路名就是这样出现了,当然也保留了一些原有的路名.-如中华路就是原有的路名.一般而言,上海道路的地名是与全国的省份的各大体方位大致相同,如我国的东北省份在东北方向,反映在上海的地名上也在上海的东北方向。松花江路,鞍山路等,在杨浦区-在上海的东北区。还有上海地名的命名规则是,纵向(南北走向)是省的名称,横向(东西走向)则是省以下的市、地区、县的名称,如南京路,九江路,汉口路,福州路,延安路等是横向;而四川路,江西路,河南路,福建路,浙江路,贵州路,广西路,西藏路等-纵向。当然也有特例,如广东路它是省名的路,但它却是横向。这规则在后来的运用上,基本上是这样的,可能特例会比较多。如成都路它是纵向的,但按规则它应该用在横向的路名上。上海:路名解读城市本报驻沪记者沈颖摄影李江松“私人记忆档案”一个熟悉的地名往往构成记忆的大海,而地名像珊瑚礁保存一个错综的秘密,在人和地名之间有一份默契。有些说来还不无讽刺。。
上海建于几百年前。 英语翻译 Shanghai was set up a few hundred of years ago.Shanghai was established hundreds of years ago.Shanghai was built hundreds of years ago.Shanghai was established a few hundfred of years ago.Shanghai was built a few hundred of years ago.Shanghai was set up hundreds of years ago.
英语翻译 I spent an unforgettable vacation.During the first several weeks,I travelled to NanJing and ShangHai,where I saw many beautiful places,such as xuwu Lake in NanJing and waitan in ShangHai.I took lots of pictures with my parents and I ate many snacks,especially the xiaolongbao of NanJing and nuomituan of Shanghai.When I came back,I went to see movies and played badminton with my friends.We had a great time.I did my homework at home in the last few days.This vacation is both busy and meaningful.
上海可以算全球最繁华城市之一吗? ?www.zhihu.com 有趣文章很多 欢迎移步微信公众号 摩登中产(modernstory) 作者微信:wangpeng201611,欢迎交流。? 9969 ? ? 340 条评论 ? ? ? 。
上海在中国是一个大城市用英语怎么说 上海在中国是一个大城市Shanghai is a big city in China您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝您生活愉快!
英语填空:Shanghai( )a small town hundreds of years ago .Now it ( )a large city. was,is