大学四人组英语对话 OK 旁白:One day Samantha Candy and Jujo are planing for their Summer holiday.a:Where would you like to go?b:I want to swim.c:But I can't swim and it is too crowded there.so I don't want to go there.How about going to Beijing?a:Can Beijing offer us a lot of fun?c:Yes.We can visit a lot of landmarks in Beijing,such as the Summer Palace and the Tian'anMen Square.They are all beautiful.b:Ok,let's go to Beijing for our Summer holiday.旁白:In Summer holiday,Samantha,Candy and Jujo were visiting Beijing together.They visited the Summer Palace,the Great Wall and the Tian'anMen Square.But they weren't happy.Because they thought the air in Beijing wasn't clean and the air pollution was not good for their heath.One week later,they came back.)a:Oh。The air in Beijing is very dirty.It's bad for our heath.b:Yes.That's air pollution.How can we clean the air.c:We can plant trees.a:Why?b:Oh。I know.The trees take harmful gas from the air and release oxygen into the air.They can lelp us to 。
我们班要进行一个简单的英文辩论赛,我们讨论的主题是:Long holidays are good for students or not? 我想知道英语汉语是如何影响两国人民的思维的 我们班要进行一个简单的英文辩论赛,我们这一组只有5个人,2人正方,2人反方,1人裁判,我们讨论的主题是:Long holidays are。
马上要英语口语考试(模拟小组讨论的形式),我准备了一些常用的句子,请英文好的朋友看看没有没有错误. 你的第一句,就我而言,我举得NOW 表示现在时刻.recently 表示近来一段时间.你放一起会有点contradictory.nowadays/,sth has been the hot topic.
英语角的主题!! 我以前就是2113英语角的负责人。英语角的主题可以有很多5261。学校里可以选取大家都4102感兴1653趣的话题,比如:电影(可以通过活动让参与者了解和学习到各种电影的英文说法等关于电影的英语)、音乐(最喜欢的歌手,曲风等)、文学作品、旅游趣事(要是有PPT呈现的话,活动会很精彩)、童年、交友派对、英语学习经验交流会、四六级专场等,太多了,而且每个话题都可以引申出很多可以聊的问题来,上面我只是列举了一两个而已。现在想必你也能想出许多了吧~也可以针对最近的时事新闻,进行深入的探讨。还可以请英语老师来做讲座或交流。有外教请外教。一般外教都会很热情乐意的,有他们在,现场一向都会很火。不仅如此,还可以做一些特别的主题英语角。比如就要万圣节了,做一个万圣节主题英语角。我以前就做过。用PPT呈现,让大家了解万圣节的文化、起源,我们还买来南瓜做了南瓜灯烘托气氛。还把灯闭了,点上蜡烛,把来的同学分成好几个组,放上恐布阴森的音乐,大家一起玩杀人游戏。特别有氛围!那期非常成功,大家都玩得很尽兴!不过,中间的组织环节,作为Leader,就要注意安排好,工作人员都要到位,各项工作要做好。主持人要厉害。不然,再好的点子都会给你。
英语作文,在线等 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题the Discuss about HappinessWe,the students in Class 3,Grade 9 had a class meeting yesterday.We discussed a topic about happiness.There was a heated discussion among us.
上节课学生们分为几个小组讨论那个主题翻译成英语单词 1.Tian’an Men Square\\r\\n2.the Imperial Palace \\r\\n3.the Great Wall
来谈谈美联英语的面试,所谓的无领导小组讨论? 今天去了美联英语的面试,在广州维多利广场,从早上面试到下午,大概就是早上填下表,一大堆问题让你写,…
用英语讨论一些话题 1.Do you think obama will win the presidential election again?2.How should Chinese government deal with the provocation of the Philipines about the issue of Scarborough Reef?3.What do you think about the failure of the Rocket launching of North Korea?4.What should we do to change the situation of being a world factory into an innovative country?5.What's your attitude towards the event of killing Bin Laden by America Force?6.When conflicts happen among Southeast Asian Countries,what should our government do,being soft or tough?7.Should we be mad about the burning of our national flag by Fhilipinos?8.Why do think lakers lost the series against thunder?9.Do you think heat will make to the championship?10.Do you think the situation of corruption in China is too serious or not?都是自己想的.