介绍“我的家乡”苏州的英语小短文,200字左右. The Suzhou is a national point tour city,the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now,among them national 15,the province class 85,the amount only next to Peking and Xian.Ancient city in the Suzhou is located in water net,street according to river and then set up,the land-and-water proceeds together;The building faces water but builds,ex-lane empress river,the special appearance of the formation\"small bridge,flowing water,somebody else\".Gather the building,landscape,flowers and trees,carvings,calligraphy and painting is equal to integral whole of Suzhou park is the mankind are civilized of the soul treasure strange,government park with stay a park to be included in four name parks in China,and together net teacher park,wreath show country villa and 沧 wave station,lion wood,skill,park,back to think park's etc.is 9 classic parks,distinguish is taught a section text the organization by United Nations to be included in in 97 December,yearses and November,2000《inheritance in 。英语翻译 我的家乡济宁市,位于山东省西南部,自古素有“江北小苏州”,“孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦”之称.Ji'ning,lies in the SouthWest of Shandong province of China,is my hometown.Even in those ancient times,it had enjoyed a high-level of civilization and was praised as\"a second SuZhou\",\"the homeland for Kongzi and Menzi\"and\"a county of decorum\".四季分明,气候宜人.有许多风景胜地,欢迎各位来我的家乡旅游,观光.我们这儿风光好,人更好.Here in Ji'ning,there is an agreeable weather and four distinct seasons through the whole year.And also,numerous scenic spots around this place and I am willing to use this oppotunity to express my expectation to your coming.Not only do we have a beautiful natural landscape,the habitants live here also are of good qualities.(这里不是高质量,是高品质,高人格)我给大家介绍下济宁,中国历史上五大圣人的孔子亚,孟子、颜子、曾子、思子都诞生在这里,这里有梁山波与祝英台的美丽爱情故事,这里有梁山108将,这里有孔子发生的美一件事情,这里有中国的佛都汶上.Please allow me to introduce my hometown,Ji'ning,。英语翻译 My hometown It is said that Suzhou and Hangzhou are as beautiful as the heaven.My hometown is in Suzhou,Suzhou is famous for its fish and food.The Beibei of the FUWA is representing Suzhou,Suzhou has a history of 2500 years,There many interest place in Suzhou,such as Zhuozheng Plaza LIu Plaza West Plaza Tiger Hill and so on.many foreigners come to visit them,so it is very easy to see the foreigners in my hometown.I am really love my historic homeland,I am like the attractive interests,too.But,in my opinion,I love my homeland,there is nothing can replace my hometown of my heart声明一下,我是一名高中生,翻译的不是特别有文采,但意思都介绍到了,请斑竹放心使用,但若对文章的翻译质量要求很高的话,就等其他的吧,若无什么大碍,这篇文章即可,我只是怀着学习英语的心态来完成这篇文章的.急!!介绍“我的家乡”苏州的英语小短文,200字左右。 TheSuzhouisanationalpointtourcity,theculturalobjectprotectionunithas489totallynow,amongthemnational15,theprovinceclass85,theamountonlynexttoPekingandXian.AncientcityintheSuzhouislocatedinwaternet,streetaccordingtoriverandthensetup,theland-and-waterproceedstogether;Thebuildingfaceswaterbutbuilds,ex-laneempressriver,thespecialappearanceoftheformation\"smallbridge,flowingwater,somebodyelse\".Gatherthebuilding,landscape,flowersandtrees,carvings,calligraphyandpaintingisequaltointegralwholeofSuzhouparkisthemankindarecivilizedofthesoultreasurestrange,governmentparkwithstayaparktobeincludedinfournameparksinChina,andtogethernetteacherpark,wreathshowcountryvillaand沧wavestation,lionwood,skill,park,backtothinkpark'setc.is9classicparks,distinguishistaughtasectiontexttheorganizationbyUnitedNationstobeincludedinin97December,yearsesandNovember,2000《inheritanceintheworldrecord》,ancienttowntogetherinside,weekChuang,keepingbedeclaringtobeincludedinculturalinheritanceintheworld求一篇用英文介绍我的家乡昆山 Kunshan is a satellite city in the greater Suzhou region that is administratively at the county-level in southeast Jiangsu,China,just outside Shanghai.It 。用英文介绍我的家乡(苏州)用英文来回答,不要太长.不过演讲起来,最起码要有1分钟 用英文介绍我的家乡(苏州) Hello。My name is Ge Yuan,Tracy is my name.You may call me“Tracy”.I’d like to be your pen pal.I’m 12 years old.I live in Suzhou,and Suzhou is my hometown.Suzhou is a beautiful city,the silk in Suzhou is very nice,most of the people in the world love it.There are many gardens in Suzhou,too.They’re nice,and Suzhou is famous of them.英语作文,《我的家乡苏州》,150词—300词 My Homeplace-SuzhouMy hometown is Suzhou.I was born here,I embrace the gentle rivers and lakes have a very happy childhood.People say\"you have heaven on Earth\",Suzhou is such a land of plenty.It is.
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