圣诞节的礼物和装饰的英文介绍 圣诞节中英文介绍 小学生


圣诞节的英文介绍? 圣诞节英文:Origin of Christmas 英文介绍圣诞节:Christmas Day is on 25th of December.On that day,people eat Christmas puddings.At christmas Eve,chridren put their stocking on their bed.They want to get present from Santa Claus。People decorate Christmas tree.They are happy.中文翻译:圣诞节在12月25日 在那天 人们吃圣诞布丁 在圣诞节晚上 孩子们把他们的袜子放在床头 他们希望能从圣诞老人那里得到礼物 人们装饰圣诞树在圣诞节那天 他们是快乐的。写一篇英语作文!题目叫《难忘的一天》(写圣诞节的)要附上中文解释! 我是小学生!我下面附上详细的中文 难忘的一天An unforgettable day圣诞节就要到了,学校里到处洋溢着节日的气氛。Christmas Day is coming,there is full of happiness floating in the air.在学校的门口,安放着一课高大的圣诞树。据说这棵树是从附近的林场买到的,足足有15Near the door of our school,a tall Christmas tree is standing there.It is said that the tree is bought年的树龄了。看着它高大的身躯,以及上面点缀的那些小彩灯,就可想而知,晚上的时候是from the near forest farm,which is already 15 years old.With its tall body and the colorful多么的漂亮!我几乎都可以想象的到,同学们围绕着它嬉戏时高兴的样子!lights on it,I imagined,the tree must be beautiful when it’s shining at night。顺着道路走进校园,不远处教学楼上挂着的圣诞老人的头像,虽然在寒风中有些摇摇欲坠,Going along the school road into the yard,I saw a lot of pictures of Father Christmas hanging on the study building.They were swinging in the wind,and the gracious face of Father Christmas and但那慈祥的面孔和喜庆的颜色,立刻使自己感到了一股暖意。the red color 。描写圣诞节的英语作文(带翻译) Christmas Day圣诞节Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25,the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival,every family will buy a Christmas tree,and put it in the middle of the living-room.And their houses look soft and beautiful.圣诞节是西方国家最盛大的节日。节日在12月25日,是耶稣基督的生日。节日前,每个家庭都要买一颗圣诞树,放在起居室的中央,这样他们家看起来又温馨又漂亮。On Christmas Eve,children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them.In fact,their parents put the presents in their stockings.在平安夜,孩子们总是把圣诞袜挂起来,希望圣诞老人会把礼物放到里面,实际上把礼物放到袜里面的是他们的父母。How interesting it is。On Christmas Day,people say\"Merry Christmas\"to each other.你说有趣不有趣!在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。Christmas Day圣诞节Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival,in order to memorialize Jesus.During that 。求有关圣诞节的英语小剧本,供三年级小学生表演 Voiceover:As the financial crisis is sweeping across the world,The Santa Claus who used to be rich becameso pool recently.For him,it’s doubt how to celebrate 。圣诞节小故事英文版 1 圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔.也传说称圣诞老人由圣·尼古拉而来,所以圣诞老人也称St.Nicholas.据说他原是小亚细亚每拉城的主教,名叫圣尼古拉,死后被尊为圣徒,是一位身穿红袍、头戴红帽的白胡子老头.每年圣诞节他驾着鹿拉的雪橇从北方而来,由烟囱进入各家,把圣诞礼物装在袜子里挂在孩子们的床头上或火炉前.所以,西方人过圣诞节时,父母把给孩子的圣诞礼物装在袜子里,圣诞夜时挂在孩子们的床头上.第二天,孩子们醒来后的第一件事就是在床头上寻找圣诞老人送来的礼物英语:Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin.It's also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola,so he is also called St.Nicholas.He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death.He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache.He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day.He went into people's houses by the track and he put the presents into children's socks.So in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids' socks and put them on 。关于圣诞节的英语贺卡的内容 Wishing you a Christmas of happy time and a New Year of happy days. 愿圣诞是你快乐的时节,愿新年是你幸福的日子。Wishing you peace,joy and happiness through 。适合小学生的英语圣诞节耶稣诞生的故事 《马太福音》1:18-25 耶稣基督降生的事,记在下面。他母亲马利亚已经许配了约瑟,还没有迎娶,马利亚就从圣灵怀了孕。她丈夫约瑟是个义人,不愿意明明地羞辱她,想要暗暗地把她休了。正思念这事的时候,有主的使者向他梦中显现,说大卫的子孙约瑟,不要怕,只管娶过你的妻子马利亚来。因她所怀的孕,是从圣灵来的。她将要生一个儿子。你要给他起名叫耶稣。因他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来。这一切的事成就,是要应验主借先知所说的话,说,必有童女,怀孕生子,人要称他的名为以马内利。(以马内利翻出来,就是神与我们同在。约瑟醒了,起来,就遵着主使者的吩咐,把妻子娶过来。只是没有和她同房,等她生了儿子,(有古卷作等她生了头胎的儿子)就给他起名叫耶稣。求小学生圣诞英文主持词? hallo today is chrimas i,is very happy i hope you 0 138080 hallo today is chrimas i,is very happy i hope you have fun。参考资料:无 09-03-11|添加评论|打赏 。圣诞节的礼物和装饰的英文介绍 1、圣诞节礼物介绍:Christmas cards are popular in America and Europe.Many families bring family photos or news every year.译文:圣诞卡(圣诞卡片)在美国和欧洲很流行,许多家庭随贺卡带上年度家庭合照或家庭新闻。News generally includes the strengths and strengths of family members in the past year.译文:新闻包括家庭成员在过去一年的优点特长等内容。At Christmas,it was pointed out that the ideal of world harmony can only be realized through peace and kindness.译文:圣诞节这天,指出天下一家世界大同的理想,只有以和平与仁爱的言行达成。Sending out Christmas cards is not only a joy to celebrate Christmas,but also a feeling of remembrance to relatives and friends.译文:寄赠圣诞卡,除表示庆贺圣诞的喜乐外,就是向亲友祝福,以表怀念之情。Especially for lonely relatives and friends,this is also a kind of care and comfort.译文:尤其对在孤寂中的亲友,更是亲切的关怀和安慰。2、圣诞节装饰介绍:Christmas decorations include Christmas trees decorated with Christmas decorations and colorful 。给英语老师的圣诞节英语祝福语 http://www.diyifanwen.com/zhuanti/shengdanjie/shengdanjiezhufuyu/20061109010201196.htm写给老师的新年祝福词Much joy to you in the upcoming year.愿您在新的一年里充满快乐。Chritsmas time is for thinking of others.圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas.祝福您及您的家人圣诞快乐。A merry Chistmas from all of your students.祝您圣诞快乐,您的全体学生敬上。We'll be here after the new year.新年过后,我们会再回来。We won't forget you this holiday season.放假的时候,我们不会忘记您的。Christmas is a time for gladness and rejoicing.because there is no class.圣诞节是欢喜和快乐的时光,因为不用上课。May happiness follow you everywhere.just like we do.愿快乐随时与您同在,就如同我们与您寸步不离一般。It's really a shame we can't be together at Christmas.you must be jumping for joy。我们不能在一起过圣诞节真是太可惜了…您一定乐得跳起来了。http://www.diyifanwen.com/zhuanti/shengdanjie/shengdanjiezhufuyu/20061109010201842.htm圣诞节中英文祝福语Wishing 。


