2.我的家乡坐落在长江边上,是一个鱼米之乡,人们丰衣足食,开心生活. 我来自荆州用英文怎么说


我来自中国用英语怎么说 我来2113自中国:I come from China。come词义解析:1、(向或跟随说5261话人)来,过来There's a bus coming。来了辆公4102交车!2、(向受话人方向1653)来I'll come and pick you up in the car if you like.要是你愿意,我开车来接你。3、to get to a particular place来到,抵达Has she come yet?她来了没有?4、赶走(某人),撵走(某人)I had to come away from the party early.我不得不早早离开聚会。5、改变位置;变成,成为Those pictures will have to come down(=be removed from the wall).那些画都得(从墙上)拿下来。6、发生Spring has come early.春天来得早。7、位列…之后/第一/最后等She came second(us came in second)in the 100 metres.她在百米赛跑中得了第二。8、存在,有;可得到,有供应Do these trousers come in any other size?这些裤子有别的尺码吗?扩展资料I come from China用于回答where are you from例句:1、Nice to meet you,Molly.So,where are you from?很高兴见到你,莫莉。你从哪里来呢?2、But the way you talk,where are you from?你刚才说你是哪里人来着?3、Where are you from,may I ask?我可以问。英语介绍荆州 Jingzhou,with a history of than 2,600 years,is the cradle of Chu Culture and one of primary places of Three Kingdoms culture.Jingzhou was the native place of Qu Yuan,the great patriotic poet in China and a town of military importance in the periods of dozens of kingdoms and dynasties.To the east of Jingzhou is Wuhan,a hub city of traffic;to the west is the world-known project of Three Gorges;to the south is the vast lake of Dong Ting;to the north is the imposing beautiful mountain of Wu Dang.Having peaceful,picturesque campuses dotted with relaxing and scenic spaces,the city is really a good place to visit.英语翻译 Rain is my name,high school teacher asked each of us has an name,I remember the day of rain,so rain is my name.I come from Hubei,Songzi,where the position is very good,also very beautiful,Songzi east to Jingzhou,west of Yichang,Wuling,North Shore Yangtze River to.Welcome you to visit。It was very nice to everyone to sit in the same classroom,students are friends,hope we live together in peace together.For our common goal,gas。2.我的家乡坐落在长江边上,是一个鱼米之乡,人们丰衣足食,开心生活. 我也是荆州的,见到老乡帮个忙啦,就随便写了一篇,马马虎虎,凑合用吧My hometownMy hometown,Jingzhou,is a culture city with a history of 2000 years.It is aglittering pearl which locates along the Yangtze River.This is a good district with abundant fish and rice.people here are well-fed and well-clothed,they live a substantial life.There are many snacks there,such as hot pot,barbecue and hot spicy dip.People in my hometown are enthusiastic and friendly,you will have a wonderful time if you take a trip there.My hometown is the most lovely place in my heart.英语 今天是09年5月6日 Today is May 6th,2009.Jingzhou,which is located in the middle of Hubei,is a beautiful city.


