我高兴我乐意你能咋地 我高兴我乐意意思


被对方说,我高兴,我乐意。怎么不甘示弱的回复他? 对自己人的话,请我吃饭吧。对陌生人的话,走好。英语翻译 I am gald to hear from you and happy to know everthing is ok.I am willing to finish the task in October,so,i hope we could have a perfect cooperation.See you next time我高兴我乐意意思 意思是我所做的事,无论产生什么样的结果,我都欣然接受。这句话一般是在做事产生不好的结果时被指责的时候,由于不满意对方的言辞做出的反驳,封对方的口。我乐意后而隐藏的一句话为‘你管不着’。当别人说我高兴我乐意我心里美接下来要怎么回答? 希望如此吧!只要你不是自欺欺人就行了。就这么回复吧!除了我高兴、我乐意、我愿意、类似这样的词还有什么、 我喜欢 我知道 我悲伤英语翻译 Dear XXX,First of all,I would like to apologize for replying you late because I have been ill.I am very delighted to hear that you will be happy to teach me English.I have to admit that this letter and the others I have sent,which were written with someone's assistance for my is verypoor.If you don't mind,could you please tell me something about yourself,such as your hobbies?What kind of sports do you like or what colour do you prefer best,so that it would help me to understand you better.Look forward to hear from you again soon.Thank you.With best wishes。Yours Truly,XXX已替你以完整的书信格式写好了,经常说我高兴我乐意管你什么事,怎么回答 我就高兴管你,我就乐意管你,我别人都不管,我只管你,你能怎么着我很高兴你很乐意帮我。——翻译成英文是什么? GLAD YOU CAN HELP 口语.I am very glad that you are willing to help me.书面.


