

一道英语选择题,帮我看下为什么做错了??最好句子翻译一下!!好的话立马好评!!最好解释给力点的! 14.这是一个主将从现的句型,主句将来完成时,从句一般过去时。翻译:他们本将完成这个项目,但是他们出国开会了。15.place作先行词是物,所以用关系代词。翻译:这个夏天的地方是我们渴望的地方。16.Seeing表示看的状态,正在看,根据句意已经看过了。翻译:看过这个电影两次,她不想去这家电影院了。17.这是一个主语从句,只有what 可以作主语。翻译:我们在学校学的是对我们未来生涯有益的。18.prefer doing to doing.翻译:大部分的学生更愿意与他们的朋友在网上聊天,而不是独自拜访他们。希望以上回答,可以帮到你~14.英语翻译 1.He certainly has read that book.2.Our classroom must be cleaned everyday.3.We can't pass the road when the traffic light is red.4.There must be some money in the bag.5.It's said that he has been to.记得游戏风云精彩回放里有一首好听的英文歌,就记住一句歌词,好像是I'm alone~~~求各位大神 歌曲:Cielo Rojo 歌手:Lila Downs 专辑:《The Very Best.》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Luis Miguel-Cielo RojoM y L-Juan y David ZaizarSólo sin tu carinoVoy caminando,voy caminando,Y no sé que hacerNi el cielo me contesta,Cuando pregunto por tí mi bienNo he podido olvidarteDesde la noche,desde la nocheEn que te perdíSombras de duda y celosSólo me envuelven pensando en tiDeja que yo te busqueY si te encuentro,y si te encuentro,Vuelve otra vez.Olvida lo pasadoYa no te acuerdes de aquel ayerOlvida lo pasadoYa no te acuerdes de aquel ayer.Mientras yo estoy dormidoSueno que vamos los dos muy juntosA un cielo azul.Pero cuando despiertoEl cielo es rojo,me faltas túAunque yo sea culpableDe aquella triste,de aquella tristeseparación.Vuelve por Dios tus ojos,Vuelve a quererme,vuelve mi amor最近刚开学报了一个英语作文比赛,有好几个月没有看过英语知识,有些 I'll meet you tomorrow.我们明天见面.Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下I'm glad to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴.I'll treat you to diner.我想请你吃晚饭.I'll take care of it.我来办这件事.I'll keep my eyes open.我会留意的.Let's get to the point.让我们言归正传.It's a nice day today.今天天气很好.It's a pain in the neck.这真是苦不堪言It's only a matter of time.这只是时间问题.It's a once in a lifetime chance.这是一生难得的机会It doesn't matter to me.这对我来说无所谓I've got my hands full.我手头正忙.I'm under a lot of pressure.我的压力很大I'm looking forward to it.我盼望着这件事.I'll walk you to the door.我送你到门口.I want to reserve a room.我想预定一个房间Let me introduce my friend to you.让我介绍一下我的朋友.Come in and make yourself at home.请进,别客气I'll have to see about that.这事儿我得想一想再定.I was just about to call you.我正准备打电话给你.I haven't the slightest idea.我一点儿都不知道.I hope you'll forgive me.我希望你能原谅我.Can I have a word 哈利波特英文影评自我介绍一下 我是高一学生一名 最近英语老师要我做英文值日生报告,要介绍近期看的电影!那还有啥说的,肯定是哈利波特撒.可是我的英语又很丑.希望广大哈迷能帮我!帮我翻译一下下面这段话!感激不尽!同学们,今天我要向大家介绍哈利波特.我相信大多数同学都看过哈利波特电影,这是公认的史上最成功系列电影.首映日票房上亿,精彩的镜头,刺激的情节吸引了无数粉丝.而我个人认为,哈利波特系列丛书却比电影更加精彩好看.电影漏掉了很多精彩情节.这也就难怪,哈利波特是世界销量第二,第一是圣经.哈利波特的作者罗琳享誉全球,她的一身并非一帆风顺,她曾是一位贫穷的单身母亲,以前她经常在一家小咖啡馆里把哈利波特的创作在一张张小卡片上,如今她的身价已经超过了英国女王. hello,boys and girls,today I want to introduce harry potter.I believe most of the students read the harry potter movies,it is generally accepted that history's 你还记得这学期校园生活中的一些精彩瞬间吗?比如一次比赛一场表演一次志愿活 一次精彩的拔河比赛2113在我读五年级的时候,5261学校举行了一次拔4102河比赛,分年级来比。学校广播出这个通知后1653,全班同学喜出望外,立即讨论关于拔河比赛的事,有一些女生也想参加。赵老师选参加比赛的人,我们都安静了下来,“黄云川、肖云飞·唐镭。我一听,有我,高兴极了!共有10名同学参赛。接着,赵老师又教我们怎么才能把绳子稳住,还有怎样才能拔赢,以及拔河中的注意事项等等。比赛那天,天空下起了蒙蒙细雨,好像小雨也来观战。通过抽签,我们五(1)班是第二个出场。一开始是五(3)班和五(6)班来比,只见五(3)班的大力士和五(6)班的胖子,不分上下,红线在五(3)班和五(6)班之间来回走动,旁边的拉拉队一直在叫“加油!加油!眼看五(3)班就要输了,又把红线给拉回来了。通过几个回合的较量,还是五(6)班的胖子稳得住,五(6)班获胜。轮到我们五(1)班出场了,对手是五(5)班。我们一看他们的样子就发笑,基本上全是小个子,我们稳操胜券了。结果不出所料,仅一个回合,五(5)班就惨败下来,我们大获全胜!经过几场大战后,我们五(1)班和五(3)班进入了决赛。不过这时快放学了,只有下午再一决高低了。中午,我在家好好地休息我要参加英语演讲比赛了,求个英语高手把下面的句子翻译下。有悬赏分的 Everybody is good,topic of conversation needed to talk about by me is `a Believe myself' today.Before not knowing do not having that everybody writes down,in competition,we had accepted training in this.Watched at that time is a little\"the whole nation give a lecture the competition\"video record.Be stupefied after we having been looked at,their lecturing is so-called well.That time we the competition moment affirms the regards not having pupils among them giving a lecture with regard to thinking that we give a lecture in the future.But we ought to lose confidence therefore?Do not ought to.We do not maybe have the regards that they say,even bad very distant.But we ought to `Believe myself就是这样了.呵呵谢谢我吧~精彩的用英文怎么读 精彩的英文:wonderful读法:英[?w?nd?fl]美[?w?nd?rfl]释义:adj.美妙;极好的,精彩的,绝妙的;神妙词汇搭配:1、wonderful idea 绝妙的想法2、wonderful performances 精彩的演出3、wonderful plays 精彩的剧本4、wonderful sight 奇妙的景象例句:Never before have I seen such a wonderful film.我从未看过如此精彩的影片。扩展资料词语用法:1、wonderful表示“精彩的,极妙的,使人惊奇的”,常用作定语。2、wonderful还常用作表语,意思是“非常好,太好了”。3、wonderful多用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句和疑问句。词义辨析:marvelous,wonderful这两个形容词都有“惊人的、奇异的、奇妙的”之意。1、marvelous语气较强,指人的行为超凡或事物异常,几乎使人难以相信。2、wonderful指人或事物的罕见或新奇,出人意料。英语翻译 They are the good partners whom I used to talked about to you.The water that they sent us in the morning is fresh.This is one of the most interesting films that I have ever seen.He is the one who was invited to the party by me.This is the magazine whose cover is very old.I will never forget the wonderful time that we spent together.祝你开心如意!这肯定是一场最精彩的比赛,英语翻译 这肯定是一场最精彩的比赛It must be the most exciting match.


