为了丰富学生的课余生活 学校打算开辟一个学生角 现向学生征集主题 请用英文给校长写一封100-12 Dear headmaster,With time going,our class wants to hold an corner to open our horizons,I make a survey to see how my classmates think about it.I asked a few questions such as:\"How much do you love English\"and\"Do you want to get involved in English\".The result is very positive.My classmates all love very much,and they all want to learn about it.Some said that even though they are not very good at but they believe once the corner is set up,they will learn much from it.In my opinion,we should have such an corner.If we are not good at speaking we should practice more.Look forward to your Yours,FaithfullyLi MingApril,23,2015我们的目的是丰富学生们的业余生活 翻译成英文 our purpose is to enrich the students'spare time.翻译成英文:为了丰富学生的课外生活。。。。谢啦~ in order to enrich students' extra curricular activities希望能帮到你!学校可以组织一些课外活动丰富课余生活 用英语怎么说 Schools can arrange some extra-curricular activities to rich students' life.书面表达(15分)。 At present only a few students do some reading after class.Here are several reasons.First of all quite a lot of students are busy with too much homework.Still others haven’t formed the ha.为了丰富学生的课余生活,提高大家学习英语的兴趣,学生会在上周举办了 (In order)To enrich the students' spare life and raise the interests of their learning the Students' Union held.last week.“为了丰富学生的课余生活,我校学生会将举办一次音乐周活动”用英语怎么说 In order to enrich the lives of students after school,students in our school is going to organize a music week职业学校学生的课外生活丰富多彩,谈谈你在学校的课外生活英语作文 Our Out-of-class ActivitiesNowadays and schools encourage their students to take part in after-class activities.As everyone knows,just like study in class,after-class activities play an important role in the growth of the students.After school,I will take part in some after-class activities such as play basketball and go jogging and so forth.In my opinion,after-class activities can help us to study effective.And a wide variety of after-class activities is a necessary complement to classroom study.So we should learn how to combine the learning in the classroom and the extracurricular activities.翻译成英文:为了丰富学生的课外生活。。。。谢啦~ 翻译成英文:为了丰富学生的课外生活。谢啦~.in order to enrich students' extra curricular activities 希望能帮到你。
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