如果你下周三还来镇上,为什么不来我家坐坐英文 如果你下周三还来镇上,为什么不来我家坐坐 If you return to the town next Wednesday,why don't you come to my house to sit英语翻译 1.Why not let me pay to buy a bottle of this water?2.You'd better not to travel alone 3.He would rather take a train to go home 4.Please join me in a movie,the numbers?5.She took a very different here.帮忙写这几个英语句子 为什么不坐车去看电影呢?Why don't you take a car to watch movie?他们用了2个小时踢足球They played football for 2 hours把你的英语书拿给我看看好吗?Can you let me have a look at your book?我父亲5岁时就会骑车My father knew how to ride a bicycle at the age of 5其次,你为什么不坐下来和你哥哥沟通一下呢? 用英语表达 其次,你为什么不坐下来和你哥哥沟通一下呢?用英语表达:Then,?why?don't?you?sit?down?to?communicate?with?your?(你)为什么不做某事?用英语怎么说 为什么不做某事?的英文:Why not do something?something 读法 英['s?mθ??]美['s?mθ??]pron.某事物;有价值或重要的人或事物;大致;左右adv.有点;非常例句1、He is something like his brother.他有点象他哥哥。2、It rained something awful last night.昨晚雨下得很大。短语1、something else 别的东西2、or something 或是什么的3、something like 有点像4、something of 有几分扩展资料词语用法1、something的基本意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意味或提出申请等,something也可用于非肯定句中。2、something也可作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解。3、something用作先行词,作“某物,某事”解时其后的关系代词只能用that;作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解时其后的关系代词可用which。4、在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分的主语是something时,在非正式语体中附加问句的代词用it。词汇搭配1、something of a 有几分2、something for nothing 不劳而获之利益3、start something 制造麻烦4、something or other 某事物5、something tells me 我猜疑,他(她)都能做的,你想一想你为什么坐不到.英文翻译 他(她)都能做的,你想一想你为什么坐不到why can't you make the thing which he/she can make it?英语翻译 I would rather set my bum on the cactus than sit beside youno longer和no more不是一样的嘛~都可以用其次,你为什么不坐下来和你哥哥好好谈谈.的英语怎么说, Secondly,Why don't you sit down and have a good discussion with your brother.英语翻译 1.would you like to sit in sofa sure/of course2.why does Nick not get up early on sunday?he want to have a good rest.3.you cannot cross the road when the light is red.4.there are not many ducks,chicken and rabbits in that farm5.please put your racket(s)and camera in the package.补充1.Does learn to grow2.will be ask to take3.is waiting worried4.Children's为什么不坐在椅子上 用英语怎么说 Why not sit on the chair?Why don't you sit on the chair?
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