今天晚饭吃得挺开心哈英文 和家人一起吃晚饭是一件很开心的事情的英文.(itis开头)


英语翻译 My sister is chating on line.I enjoy myself last supper.I am not so familiar with Beijing.I lost my way during my stay at London last week英语翻译 Today is our Spring Festival together day,our relatives and friends get together to eat meal,we have got the adult children to money,very happy.Our dinner is very delicious,very big.After dinner,we watched a Spring Festival gala,very good,let us feel very interesting.Finally,we still see firework,we ourselves also put a fireworks,very beautiful,I like Spring Festival.英语翻译今天是国庆节,我起了个大早,天气非常晴朗,真是美好的一天.上午我和妈妈一起去购物,商场里的人很多.非常热闹,充满了节日气息.晚上时全家人聚在一起吃晚饭,大家都非常开心,并且我已经安排好了计划.这7天我会很充实的度过.国庆节真是个充满愉快和活力气息的节日,请大家永远10月1日这一天.就这些.麻烦翻译下。在直角三角形中,斜边与较小直角边的和、差分别为8,2,则较长直角边为 A,5 B,4 C,3 D,2 Today is the National Day,I got up a very early in the morning,theweather have been extremely sunny,really was happy one day Morning Iand mother go to the 。英语翻译 1.Yesterday.I have supper very happily.2.Two boys are playing in the living room3.My mother is calling my sister4.Yesterday I went to the theatre.5.I am not very familiar with Beijing.6.My mother took a key out of her pocket.7.We enjoyed ourselves last night.8.They said hello happily to the teacher9.Steven worked very hard last Sunday.10.The children walked slowly in the street.如果有错,及时提出.英语翻译 Today,my parents and I went back to my grandmother's house.I was very happy,because it means I can get a lot of money.After dinner and I with friends to play.We came to the roof,roof is a cold,dark place.We looked around the room,\"look,What's that。It's a tiantai.We were very happy.By a ladder to climb up.Although there was nothing,but we were very happy,because only we know this place,no one would disturb us。这个答案你放心用吧。是人脑的思考结果,而不是翻译器的杰作.这顿晚餐我们每个人都吃得很开心 英文 这顿晚餐我们每个2113人都吃得很开心5261英文是:4102We all enjoyed the dinner.句子解释:all 英[?:l]美[?l]adj.全部的;一切的;各种的;极度的,1653尽量的;pron.全部;一切;每个人,每件东西;全部情况;adv.全部地;完全地;每个;非常;[例句]He lost all his money at a blackjack table in Las Vegas.在拉斯维加斯的21点纸牌桌上,他把钱输得精光。enjoy 英[?n?d???]美[?n?d???]vt.喜欢;欣赏;享有,享受;使过得快活;vi.使过得快活;[例句]Ross had always enjoyed the company of women罗斯总是喜欢有女人陪伴。dinner 英[?d?n?(r)]美[?d?n?]n.晚餐;宴会;正餐,主餐;[例句]She invited us to her house for dinner她请我们去她家吃晚餐。英语翻译今天是新年的第一天,我很开心也很激动.这天,我和我的外祖父母,还有哥哥姐姐一家一起吃晚饭,很美味,吃好晚饭后,我们一起放鞭炮,鞭炮很漂亮.然后我们一起看春节联欢晚会,到了凌


