比起拉小提琴、我更喜欢弹吉他英语翻译? 我能弹吉他和拉小提琴的英文


帮我写一篇英语作文50字.拜托了. Dear Bob,I want to tell you about my hobby.I collect stuffed animals.I've been collecting them for five years.I love them because they are cute.And now I have 35 of them,they're all the very big.My mom says I have to stop,because we're run out of room to store them,The first one I ever got was a white bear on my sixth bithday.In fact,this is my favorite.By the way,what's your hobby?Love,Marcia

比起拉小提琴、我更喜欢弹吉他英语翻译? 我能弹吉他和拉小提琴的英文

和吉他,他不会打鼓,也不会拉小提琴 用英语怎么说 He can neither beat drum nor play violin.

比起拉小提琴、我更喜欢弹吉他英语翻译? 我能弹吉他和拉小提琴的英文

你会弹钢琴还是拉小提琴?用英语怎么说 Can you play the piano or the violin?词汇分析: 1、piano 英[pi??n??,?pjɑ?n??]美[pi??no?,?pjɑ?no?] n.钢琴 adv.轻柔地;安静地;弱 。

比起拉小提琴、我更喜欢弹吉他英语翻译? 我能弹吉他和拉小提琴的英文

你周二弹吉他吗?不,我拉小提琴。英语句子 你周二弹吉他吗?不,我拉小提琴 Do you play the guitar on Tuesday?No,I play the violin.你周二弹吉他吗?不,我拉小提琴 Do you play the guitar on Tuesday?。

