英语翻译 Seiji Ozawa is the world-famous symphony conductor.In a world final competition of outstanding conductor,he has given scores according to the jury commanding performances,quickly discovered the dis.能否帮我翻译成英文? Conductor Pierre Mo An Qi to return to France to attend his mother's funeral,his old friends gave him a music teacher Clement diary survived by scenes of childhood memories surfaced memory pools:Clement is a talented musician,in the French countryside in 1949,however,he did not have the opportunity to display their talents,to do a man boarding school assistant teacher.He found that the principal a brutal high pressure means of governance of this class of problem youths,with music,he decided to open the closed minds of students.The last fire event,Clement principal dismissed before he took one of the smallest students pepino.“指挥家” 英语怎么说? “指挥家” 英语怎么说 conductor“指挥家”的英文? Conductor这是一种本能 一种指挥家一样\ This is one kind of instinct,a kind of conductor's general instinct英语翻译 I will go to Sochi for the concert together with the Russian Nanional Symphony Group which is conducted by professor Pavel Kogan.如果我的回答是最好,请把分给我咯。英语翻译 The conductor's passionate interpretation is greetted by the applause of the audience.The moment she heared her son survived and came back from battlefield,she couldn't help crying.He passed the colle.指挥家的英文怎么写 conductoreg:Yang Lihua.He's a famous conductor in China.杨利华。他是一位著名的中国指挥家。指挥家(乐团里面的)用英文怎么说 合唱指挥是Cantor乐队的话只有你说的那个了
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