新伙伴的英文怎么说 见到小伙伴英语怎么说


伙伴用英文怎么说? buddy pal bro.是非常口语的说法。friend 也可以,但显然很正式。

新伙伴的英文怎么说 见到小伙伴英语怎么说

我的小伙伴用英文怎么说? 我的小伙伴用英文:my little companionsmy little friendsmy little buddies参考例句:A doctor's little son was playing with a young friend in the surgery.医生的小儿子和他的小伙伴在诊所里玩。A playmate came to tell me that one of my shirts was hanging damp upon the clothesline一个小伙伴来告诉我说我的一件未干的衬衫还晒在晾衣绳上呢。And right there,on top,was my little pal.包一打开,一眼就能看到上面我的小伙伴。little意思:adj.小的;年幼的;短的,近的;可爱的;讨厌的;微不足道的pron.不多的;一些adv.少许;稍微n.少许;没有多少;短时间He is recovering little by little.他的健康正在渐渐地恢复起来。Little by little and Bit by Bit积少成多,积沙成塔What costs little is little esteemed.便宜的东西得不到珍视。companions意思:n.同伴;同事;指南v.陪伴inseparaBle companions.形影不离的伙伴delectable companions令人愉快的伴侣Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.礼貌和美德是分不开的伴侣。friends意思:n.[friend]的复数A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是。

新伙伴的英文怎么说 见到小伙伴英语怎么说

目前在大学学习在这里我认识了一些新伙伴英语怎么说 英文原文:I'm studying in a collage and make some new friends.英式音标:[a?m][?st?di][?n][?;e?][?k?lɑ??;k??lɑ??][?nd;(?)n;?nd][me?k][s?m;s(?)m][nju?][frendz].美式音标:[a?m][?st?di][?n][e][k??lɑ?][?nd? ?n??nd][mek][s?m][nu][fr?ndz].

新伙伴的英文怎么说 见到小伙伴英语怎么说

英语翻译。50分 急。 1、你中学的第一天过得怎么样?好极了,我很高兴见到很多新伙伴.How was your first day in the middle school?It was great.I was very happy to meet lots of new friends.2、九月是一年中第九个月份.September is the ninth month of the year.3、母亲节在5月的第二个星期天.Mother's Day is on the second Sunday of May.

我的小伙伴用英文怎么说?我的小伙伴 My little friend?我的小伙伴 My little friend 我的小伙伴[网络]my little ones;[例句]失去了我的小伙伴,我应该怎么办?。

