浅谈数学期望的实际应用英语翻译 英语翻译


两道关于数学期望的题 1)设甲乙在这次测试中的得分期望为E1,E2E1=20+80*1/4=40E2=80+20*1/4=852)记期望为E,方差为DE=25×0.8×4=80D=Epq=80×0.8×0.2=12.8如何计算数学期望值,在概率论和统计学中,数学期望(简称期望)是试验中每次可能结果的概率乘以其结果的总和。是最基本的数学特征之一。它反映随机变量平均取值的大小。英语翻译 Random variable is the mathematical expectation value for the characterization of the average location or centralized location,random variable mathematical expectation,also known as X probability P to the right of the weighted average.So mathematical expectation of economic decision-making is an important basis for decision-making.By calculating all decision-making programs mathematical expectation value of the gains or losses can quickly make a decision.Decision program is the largest of mathematical expectation of the program as the best option to decision-making.Know if any one program in each Bi natural conditions(factors)of the Qi,Bi implementation plan arising from the profit value ai,and the natural conditions of the probability Pi,The program is all profit expectations:ai*Pi options in the expected profit Select the largest profit expectations for the best option.Through the introduction of Matrix operations described in mathematical expectation greatest expectations,。高考英语七选五的数学期望是多少? 今天上数学课的时候,老师说英语的数学期望是25,我就觉得不对啊,听力的数学期望还好求,突然发现七选五…高中概率题总是要求求数学期望E(x),这个数学期望到底是什么呢?能不能通俗的解释一下? 同学,这个建议翻课本哦 ? 1 条评论 同学,这个建议翻课本哦 通俗的说就是均值,当然这不严谨,具体的定义你会在大学里面学到,高中的期望一般都是研究离散型的随机变量,。英语翻译 Math is everywhere in our life,however,probability theory comes from life,being used in life.This test presents knowledge of application of probability theory that be used in our life,the knowledge is.英语翻译本文主要以二项分布、普哇松分布、均匀分布、指数分布和正态分布来介绍了数学期望和方差的定义、性质以及这些分布的数学期望和方差,再次讨论了协方差和相关系数的定义、性


