宿舍生活英语作文 宿舍生活是校园生活的一部分,与陌生的同学在一起住,你们该怎么相处呢?下面为大家分享几篇关于宿舍生活的英语作文,一起来看看吧 On a Harmonious Dormitory Life 。给我来一篇英语作文,题目我爱宿舍. 第一篇 I love my DormitoryHello,I’m XX.I have a good Dormitory.It’s very big and beautiful.There is a small bed beside the window.There are some funny dolls on the bed.There is a big desk beside the.【急求!】:一篇关于我的大学宿舍的英语作文(字数30字左右,要求中英双译) 今天是毕2113业生离校的最后一天。在这两天里,其它5261三个姐4102妹已经陆续搬走了。如1653今的宿舍空荡凌乱,大家带不走或不愿带走的东西,都横七竖八地躺在地上。我打开灯,开始最后的整理。大一潦草的笔记,大二组织活动剩下的稿件,大三没吃完的药,大四考研复习的资料。纸片上的电话已经不记得是谁的了,一堆英语书好像都没有看过…看着看着,我竟不知不觉落下泪来,只有我才能理解每一笔每一划里包含的意义。还是留下了很多东西没有拿走,可更多更重要的东西不也永远地留在了这里了吗?不论是我带走的还是留下的,都是我大学四年最真实的写照。最后环视一下空荡的宿舍。那只小猪靠垫实在塞不进箱子了,只能留在那里。那口锅也没有带走,而未来想必也不会再煮出当时的好味道了。手里的东西都已经满了,这些就都当作留念,留在这里吧。依依不舍地关了灯。那一刹那,心里迅速划过一阵尖利的痛。想起四个字,青春散场。四年以前,我拎着简单的行李来到这里,而今天,我重新拎起新的行李,将要开始下一站的生活。像这四年里的每一天一样,我沿着再熟悉不过的路线走出公寓的大门,不过当我的脚步跨出门槛的一刹那,我将不再是这里的一员。这一次,我不是去买盒饭,去。求英语作文 NoticeA meeting is going to be held in Room 108of Building 1 at 6on the evening of November 5.Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories,proper use of electricity.有没有关于我的大学宿舍生活的英语作文 For most university students,dormitory life is a new experience.Most students have never lived far away from their parents before coming to university.They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance,and when they become university students,their lives begin to change.There are striking difference between home life and dormitory life.Student must begin to be responsible for their own action.They must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on,time for class,to eat properly,to keep their clothes and themselves clean,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation.They must also learn to take care of their money,making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.In general,there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory.Often,dormitoryrooms are small and crowded.This lack of space can limit one's privacy and make itdifficult for students to concentrate on their studies.On the other hand,in a 。写一篇关于宿舍的英语作文 One is a dormitory room on the campus and I think this is typical of the traditional students lodgings,Being shared by eight students,the room is crowded.All there is to see are beds,double-deck beds.One table stands in the middle with five students sitting around it.There being no space for chairs or benches,they sit on the beds.Thereat of them have to stay in their nests doing their lessons.Luggage and suitcascs find their place either under orabove the beds.The room is small and crowded,yet the rent is low,just 20 yuana month.Compared with Picture One,the dormitory room in Picture Four is much better.Since it is shared byfour,it looks larger.The space originally for beds is filled with two wardrobes which include all the luggage,books and knick knacks.Anyway,it is cleaner and better furnished.Although the rent is twice as much as that of Picture One,I think I get my money's worth and it is within my financial capacity.As to Picture Two,I like the apartment room very much because 。以“和谐的宿舍生活”为主题写一篇英语作文 和谐的宿舍生活(On a Harmonious Dormitory Life) As we know,dormitory life is part of the college life.It's important for our study and rest.Sometimes,in our 。给我来一篇英语作文,题目我爱宿舍.急!!!!!!!!!!!!!谢谢!!!! 第一篇I love my DormitoryHello,I’m XX.I have a good Dormitory.It’s very big and beautiful.There is a small bed beside the window.There are some funny dolls on the bed.There is a big desk beside the bed.On the desk,there is a nice photo,a lamp and a tape recorder.There are some books and many puzzles,too.I listen to the tape and read every day.I like reading very much.Sometimes,after doing my homework,I do the puzzles.Look,what’s on the wall?There are some lovely cartoon pictures and a map of the world.I love my Dormitory.Do you like my Dormitory?Welcome to my Dormitory。我的宿舍你好,我是XX。我有一个很好的宿舍,它又大又漂亮。窗户旁边有一张床,床上有一些有趣的洋娃娃,床的旁边有一张大书桌,书桌上有一张漂亮的照片、一盏台灯、一个录音机,还有一些书和许多拼图。我每天都听录音读英语。我非常喜欢读书。有时,做完作业后我会玩拼图。看,墙上有什么?有一些可爱的卡通图片、一张世界地图。我爱我的宿舍,你喜欢我的宿舍吗?欢迎你到我的宿舍来!第二篇我有一间虽然不大但很舒适整洁的宿舍。
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