用人教版高一英语必修一第一单元的单词写一篇周记 你可以参考下面的文章,根据你的实际情况,改写内容,按要求得出你的短文.那样才能与众不同.1、Have spent fifteen years in my life.So,this is my ninth year to study.By the way,my name is WengJingru.My father thought hard about my name.He consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me.Of course,this name is very good and I like it very much.Sometimes I think I am a little strange.Because I often think the world isn’t full of happiness.And I want to be different from others.I hate superficial people.But always I am very out-going and kind to others.I can’t say‘no’to others.So I don’t know how to refuse.I can’t see I am a pretty girl,but I am not an ugly person,either.I am very general.I can’t say too much about my appearance.In this term,I make a little progress in my study.In my life,I have my parents’love,and many,many people’s love.I am happy.I achieved so much,and I also lost so much.My star sign is Aquarius.It represents kindness and wisdom.But I don’t think I am 。
给大一新生的建议 英语作文 Suggestions to freshmen【By Kaiser3344】I would like to say a few words to you freshmen,which I hope would be helpful to you.To begin with,the change of ideas is of most importance for freshmen to adapt themselves to campus life.During the middle school days,we usually depend upon our teachers at school and parents at home.However,the life and study on university campus features independence,which is essential to our psychological development.In my view,we had better always bear in mind the idea of independence.What’s learning is a must.On one hand,without CET 4 certificate,we can not get our degree when we graduate from university.On the other hand,when we hunt for job,level is a deciding factor.Therefore,I do hope that all of you will have a good understanding of the necessity of learning well.Good Luck to you。【楼主】若觉得满意,望多多支持哈。
“高一英语作文:假如你是李华你的朋友jenny 由于刚刚才上高中,不能适应新环境,不知道怎样结交朋友,而且情绪低落,请你给他回信,并给他提几条建议”怎样写啊? Dear JennyI heard that you just high school,can not adapt to the new environment,do not know how to make friends,and depressed mood,give you a few suggestions.You should not be too quiet,otherwise no one will go with you together.You can try to talk with others,listen to others and then slowly into,you will slowly start to have friends to chat with you,and study with you,so that you can quickly adapt to the new environment.I hope to help you.
求一些有一定难度的高一数学练习册 龙门一套(高一到高三都有),大量讲解,对一些难题的归纳,只要认真看一定有收获的.还有(新教材数学)辅导与训练,上海科学技术出版社的,题目基础有,但难的也很多,我觉得比较好的是对于书上知识点的全面归纳和深入,还有典型题目的解法.买太多也做不完,但买了一定要做。
准备高三了,怎么学? 大部分高三生活是比较枯燥的,但是又充满了挑战,日子还是很充实.我们是农村的小孩基础不比城市,所以我们在高三特别勤奋,尤其是高三上学期,几乎每晚2点睡啊,基本上是做作业,补缺补漏,做错题本.到了高三下学期,就集中精力看错题本,耐心细致的看书,理科的就一定要把生物认真看一遍,我正是因为把生物书在高考前一个月看完又快速浏览一遍才在高考时捡回了8分填空诶.还有哦,高三下就不用那么晚睡觉了.而且每天都会考试,你只要把考试的内容在书本里找到依据就行.也就是这道题考书本里什么内容,这是真的,高考老是出卷子只带课本的,所以所有题目都源自书本.好了希望你高考成功 修改回答
本人正在读高一,想拓展英语词汇 建议背四级的词汇,淘金高阶的四级词汇书蛮好的,是记忆口诀+联想+词根,没其他的四级词汇书那么枯燥。另外,可以看看英文报纸,还有time(时代周刊),可以在网上看,www.time.com
高中感受、(200字左右) 我看高一 时光飞逝,转眼间幼稚的我已成长为一名高一的学生了. 步入高一,我明白了许多,也懂得了许多. 我眼中的高一,竞争是激烈的. 步入高一,同学们的学习都十分努力,彼此间的竞争也在激烈的上演:你做一题,我解两道,诸如此类,不胜枚举.大家都只为心中一个美丽的梦想—考上一所理想的大学.“勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才”,这是数学大师华罗庚对我们的教诲.面对如此强势的竞争,高一的我们要不息的奋斗. 人在高一,竞争就是如此激烈. 我眼中的高一,压力是巨大的. 步入高一,平时一向和蔼的父母,仿佛一下子严厉了许多.他们给我提出了许多要求,制定了许多目标,这些都给我加上了沉甸甸的担子. 为了不辜负父母的期望,我们都会十分努力.虽然难以再头悬梁,锥刺骨,但我们也有苦茶、咖啡为伴,与漫漫长夜作战. 人在高一,压力就是这么大. 我眼中的高一,心情是紧张的. 步入高一,学习挤占了我大部分空余的时间,在紧张忙碌的学习中,快乐似乎在慢慢远离,郁闷似乎在悄然靠近.不知何时,开怀大笑只能成为记忆深处一道靓丽的风景.紧张充斥了我的生活,这是我才明白:紧张早已登上了高一这个大舞台. 铺天盖地的试卷快要把我吞噬,书。
我是高一新生,英语基础差,怎么补我英语 首先,读几遍课后单词,然后把课文翻译下来,坚持每天读,读的越来越快,不断挑战自己,然后自己找不懂得句子问老师,哦【高考必备】后面有句子分析,语法都可以看看,主要还是自己多问加强记忆,每天晚上回想一下今天读的内容,高一是新的开始,单词一定要坚持读,打下基础.坚持下来,每天弄懂一点相信你可以的.
你的一位外国朋友Tim,向你请教如何学习中文,请你给他发个e-mail,告诉他学习中文的一些方法,词数不少于60. Dear TimI am very glad to receive your letter.Now let me tell you something about how to learn Chinese well.Learning Chinese just like learning any other foreign language,is hard work.Learning Chines takes time so you should spend as much time as you can.Use Chinese whenever you can.This is very important.The you use Chinese,the better you will learn it.So why not take every oppotunity to practise using Chinese for communication.And you'd better listen to the tape and repeat after it,watch Chinese films and TV programmes,read Chinese stories and newspapers and so on.\"No pains,no gains\".If we work hard,I am sure we will learn Chinese well.That's all.I am looking forward to hearing from you.YoursJack