这样做,我们能节省很多的时间和金钱 英语翻译 We can save much time and money in this way.英语作文:网购的优势和劣势 Advantage:1.Save your time withour going out.2.Save your money by pay less3.Can buy anytime your want.Disadvantage:1.Goods are not reachable2.It would not be try-on.根据下面提示写一扁关于网购的短文 In current society,shopping on the Interent is becoming and popular.It has many advantages and disadvartages.Advantages:shopping on the Internet is convient and faster for customers.They can stay at home looking for the items,they need or like through the Internet which supplies a variety of products.People needn't to go shopping in stores.Then it can reduce cars' amount on the road.So it also can reduce pollution of the gas.It's unpollution and reduce energy.Disadavantages:customers can buy false production.People will be demaged and have many bussniss also demaged.So we shopping on the Internet shouid notice the production.And we should avoid the false production on the Internet.英语翻译;这将会帮助我们节约很多时间. 最简洁的翻译:This will save us much time.节省时间是网购的优势之一用英语怎么说 Saving time is one of the advantages of online shopping节省时间是网购的优势之一请帮忙翻译一下这句话~ 网购不仅能节省时间,而且能省钱 Shopping online saves not only money,but also time.英语翻译 Online shopping with time,regional restriction,you will have choices,you can even buy the world you want to buy things.While the traditional shopping way not because shops have fixed business time and geography position.You must be within the time specified door-to-door pick.This means online shopping is not only convenient,but also gives you choice.网购不仅能节省时间,而且能省钱 Online shopping can not only save time but also save money
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