




JOHN HIGHT:希瓦娜斯的剧情来说,大家可以看得出来,我们创造出一堆关于希瓦娜斯的谜团,尽量想让大家猜不透。在《决战艾泽拉斯》中,希瓦娜斯的很多决定让不少玩家伤透了心,这都是我们所刻意设计与营造的,我们其实是故意希望玩家误解她。希瓦娜斯会这么做背后都有原因,来到《暗影之境》后我们终于会把谜底掀开,让大家知道希瓦娜斯到底为何做此决定,她与阎狱之主之间的关系为何,而暗影之境机制崩坏又跟此有什么密切关系。


JOHN HIGHT:当时玩家在决定是否站在希瓦娜斯时,剧情上会有些微不同,但在《暗影之境》中,如果光就过场动画的话,没有因此而特别做不同的内容。但以任务来说,玩家的确会有不同的任务,我不能讲我选了哪一边,我可以透露的是我儿子选的路线跟我完全不一样(笑)。问:当设计团队在研发新的资料片时,是受哪一些重要的因素影响呢? 这些因子又怎么影响设计团队从《决战艾泽拉斯》转换自《暗影之境》呢?

JOHN HIGHT:通常我们在规划《魔兽世界》剧情时,我们都会规划到大概两、三个主线剧情之后,像我们现在已经规划到两、三个主线剧情之后的剧情了。以希瓦娜斯故事来说,她其实已经延续不只一个资料片以上的内容,来到暗影之境、我们终于可以了解她做了这些决策背后的动机是什么,所以从此角度来说,在《暗影之境》的角色会经历的剧情早在《决战艾泽拉斯》之前就决定好了。

Edit: 评论有人质疑出处,原文已注明:

JOHN HIGHT 与 MORGAN DAY 此次透过越洋视讯的方式,接受了巴哈姆特 GNN 等台湾与东南亚媒体的越洋访问,针对《暗影之境》的设计理念、故事、新手玩家面向等进行分析,以下为访谈摘要整理:

还有人说没英文对话所以存疑 ,那就附上英文出处。


One of the benefits of this linear story is that all players would get to witness the latest chapter in Warcraft’s most contentious character, Sylvanas Windrunner. The Banshee-turned-Warchief has had a prolific run in the past few expansions, leading both Horde and Alliance players uneasy about the character.

However John insists the team isn’t making this up as they go, and that these stories are planned out much further in advance than fans would think.

“We are usually planning our story arcs a few expansions in advance. So in planning out the story arc for Sylvanas, this has been going on now for a couple expansions, in Shadowlands we’re finally going to offer an explanation for a lot of her actions in both Legion and Battle for Azeroth”, John says.

” In Battle for Azeroth she did some things that really had folks upset, and that was by design”. he explains. “We wanted to have some controversy, and we wanted people to misunderstand her, because she has deeper motivations.

“And now that we enter into the Shadowlands, we get to discover what that’s all about. Her connection to the Jailer and the machinery of the Shadowlands being broken are all tied together, and she’s essentially created a pathway for us” he continues.

“We’ve now got to go in and be part of fixing the Shadowlands, and along the way will finally understand why she did what she did. And I’ll leave it to you to be the judges, on whether you believe her, her motivations to be good or evil, or in the best interests of Azeroth” he ends.


