英语翻译. 明天记得要按时交作业的英文


因为迟到我没有交作业的英文 下课不允许在楼道上推让追逐打架It is not allowed in the corridor to export to chase to fight after Class保持教室整洁Keep the classroom clean and tidy不上学迟到Don't go to school late按时交作业Hand in your homework on time记得采纳哦 谢谢了我们应该按时上交作业, We should the homework on time.(楼主不是知道了吗?老师让我们每天按时完成家庭作业.用英语怎么翻译 楼上的翻译都有错误,正确的翻译应该是:The teacher asks us to finish our homework on time every day.The teacher makes/lets/has us finish our homework on time every day.英语翻译. how often do you water this floweryou should water this flower on timeremember to water this flower every other 5 daysHis efficiency is alawys too low.if he still ddon`t improve,we may find new wokers.记得祢以前的功课很好、积极参加学校的各项活动。现在对学习没有兴趣,上课不专心,不按时交作业。英语翻译 I remember,before you homework is very good,take an active part in school activities.Now there is no interest in learning,not concentrate in class,do not hand in your homework on time.若有帮助 请采纳


