英语翻译 帮他买东西的英文翻译


英语翻译 晕倒,上面三位没有一个全部正确的He went fishing at the river bank.My friend and I went shopping in the supermarket.A hippo went swimming in the water.I turned on the radio to listen to music.We went to.英语翻译 Can you go shopping with him now?We are out of tomatoes?We are running out of meat in the fridge.I want 2 kilograms of chicken.How much tofu do you want?英语翻译 I would have gone shopping,but Bob wanted me to go to his place first.希望可以帮到你:)记得采纳哟英语翻译 Why didn't get something for yourself?How was your holiday?The only issue is other than reading at night,there isn't for me to do。It seems no body feels bored.英语翻译 是上帝派我来给你希望的.work out有 努力做好;刻骨完成;创立(理论);详细拟定(计划等);算出(总数);解决;开采完(矿山等);做工偿还(债务)的意思.英语翻译 今天去超市买东西,朋友让我帮忙带点吃的.我问他要什么,那家伙说:“随便,最好带点咸的。于是我直奔超市,找遍货架也不知道买什么,最后给他带了包盐回去Today,go to the supermarket to buy things,a friend let me h.


