这个假期你打算做什么英语作文going to What are you going to do in this holidays?My summer vacation of this year will be very enjoyable.I will go to the countryside to spend my summer holidays.It is very beautiful there.There are green.求一篇关于在大学期间你想做什么的英语作文 带汉语翻译的 我要一篇英语作文,“说说你在新学期的计划,你打算做什么?” the new term is coming,in this year i plan to put study in the first place.i know that as a student what i have to do is study.i will preview before class,whatever problems i meet will be marked.so when my teacher mention the knowledge i have hard understanding i will pay attention the to knowledge.i believe that in this way i will catch the knowledge much better.as a student in modern society,i think i must practice my ability in other sides.i will try my best to take part in kinds of activities,such as the contest of singing、dancing reading and so on.whats i will do exercise to keep healthy.LAST but not least,i will try to be a person who always act actively mostly.,to be a person who would like to make friends with people around him,to be a person who is happy to help others.i hope in this new term i will make great progress.我的周末英语作文.要求:这个周末你打算做什么?你要去哪里?你怎么去那儿?准备和谁去?50个字左右 This weekend I want to spend some time with my friends.We are going to take a picnic in the park.The park is not very far,so we are going there by bike.I have invited Jane and Tom,they are my best friends.I think we will have a great time together.
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