为什么一直不说话,是我做错什么了吗?,英文怎么翻译 为什么一直不说话,是我做错什么了吗?Why don't you talk all the time,is what I did wrong?为什么一直不说话,是我做错什么了吗?Why don't you talk all the time,is what I did wrong?“我会等你,一直等你”英文怎么说 I will always waiting for you她喜欢你,所以她一直不说话英文 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:她喜欢你,所以她一直不说话。She likes you,so she doesn't talk.希望我的回答对你有帮助。这些学生一直在说话,求英文翻译 Those students keep talkingcan you speak in english all the time ? 你能一直用英语说话吗?这句话有问题吗? Can you speak in all the time?No problem.英语翻译 In fact,I have always liked you,But I never tell you。We did not talk for a long time.,There is no word,though on a daily basis to meet。I know,you have to have a side of her,But I still like you to Shasha,Although I know that you do not like me。You said the other day,you do not know who I am,I am really sorry for good,cried,I had always been stupid,Every day you see,has long been forgotten me。There are a lot of words you would like to say,I do not know Gaizenmeshui。Although only a few words,You may not going to put those words in mind,But.I consider it a long time for a long time,Come to tell you。In any case,I just want you happy as long as you better life,in the distance I watched you on a matter of fact,I have always liked you,But I never tell you。We did not talk for a long time.,There is no word,though on a daily basis to meet。I know,you have to have a side of her,But I still like you to Shasha,Although I know that you do not like me。You said the other day,you do not 。can you speak in english all the time 你能一直用英语说话吗? Can you speak in all the time?No problem.英语翻译 第一句我没见过,不知道.第二句Lighten up is slang for to relax,to take things less seriously,calm down,cheer up.So you are absolutely right。第三句be in over my head,我头都大了,处于困境、遇到难题.为什么你这么长时间不和我说话?的英文是 急死我了 why you didn't talk to me for a long time
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