南沙区坦尾村控制性详细规划调整,新增二类居住用地9.59公顷, 你怎么看? 也只能看看。翻译一段 Urban planning in the country people-oriented urban planning and development in the new period of practical needs.Combing through the papers of China's modern connotation of the evolution of urban planning and analyzes the philosophical sense of the meaning of people-oriented,explained the development and management of urban planning based on emerging people-oriented historical inevitability;In this paper,time and space from two dimensions to the field of urban planning\"people-oriented\"thinking of the application.Depth analysis of the\"people-oriented\"thinking of practical significance,from the time dimension of the analysis point of view,the\"respect for our predecessors,and care for modern people,treat people planning to be truly people-centered,only the development of the city live\"perspective;from the analysis of spatial dimensions of urban planning is to search for people and nature,man and society,the relationship between people and the harmonious development of the 。求助:英文翻译 Urban Design of the New Area in the east of Deqingthe detailed Construction Plan of Liuxia in Hangzhouthe detailed Construction Plan of the Mid-level pastoral areas in Hangzhouthe detailed regulatory plan of Gong Chenqiao planning and management unit in Hangzhouthe detailed regulatory plan of Shangtang planning and management unit in Hangzhouthe detailed regulatory plan of Tianshui planning and management unit in Wulin,Hangzhouthe master plan of Hangzhou Sijiqing clothing characteristics Streetthe planning and design of Reconstruction project of Ximen Area in Xianju,Zhejiangconservation planning of Cangqian Historical District in Yuhang,Hangzhouthe Detailed Construction Plan of part of the University Science and Technology Park of the State in Laohe Mountain Area by Zhejiang University
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