英语翻译 I just want to give you a big hug which is full of my whole love.An album doesn't mean everything.Love to you is when you can't buy an album,I show my worry and disapointment with tears.But everything is going to be okay,and I can possess in the end.We,your distand relatives,are a group of people standing behind you and supporting you.You love me and so do we.Whenever or wherever,your distant relatives are always with you,and offer you help in need.Simply because we are all your distant relatives,we are bonding and unseparated.一个女的唱的,很轻快的一首歌,只记得其中好像有这样的歌词\ 只要有你陪在我身边词曲 陈炜 演唱 冷漠 杨小曼【男】你的美丽你的单纯 就像一阵春风吹开我心门。抚平了我曾经的伤痕你的宽容让我感恩一生【女】遇见了你这样一个人。让我。英语翻译 1.The love,which I have offered you,is made up of no sweet words but a silent waiting.2.Even in the winter I wouldn't feel cold because of your presence.(突然一想这句意思不是你的原意了,所以:The winter arrived,but I won't feel cold any because of your presence.)水平仅限于此,虽不是定好之句,但定无语法错误.By the way,追女生用的?歌词里有 你是我的红颜,我是你的知己 是哪首歌 致XXX玩偶-泽是网络歌曲-~!歌词:RAP叫你亲爱的 又怕别人再误会 没有不对 深夜总是你陪着我醉我就是喜欢心烦的时候有你陪在你的面前我就是毫无防备的流泪或许别人看来这样。请把下面的话翻译成英文 Angel,每一个人都说我疯狂,但我只是因为爱你啊,只要你想,每一件事我都可 Angel,everybody says that I'm crazy,but that's solely because I'm in love with you,if you think about it,I can do everything for you,whatever you say I take it seriously,even if you don't always notice me,I'm always around you.Angel,I am genuine about my affection,and my love for you is pure,when will you understand?When will you satisfy me with an answer?Don't make me wander around anymore,I don't care what others think about it,you're the only person I care in this world and I want to bring you the happiness you deserve.Angel,do you understand?When the world is surrounded by darkness,you are the most brilliant star that shines through my world of loneliness,there's really nothing that can possibly be precious than you are.Angel,can you hear me?Please don't oversee me and ignore me anymore,who can love you eternally like I do?翻译的差不多就这样了,有些词可能会更强调一些。希望对你有所帮助!英语翻译 What I'm heartache,don't die took someone else's hand,now that for his happiness,just wish him happiness to other people,and let go of it,something that belongs to you will never leave,do not belong to you will one day leave,leave silently leave,don't bother him and other people's happiness again,down,left,right,forget it,gump
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