内心受伤用英语怎么说 当你的身体受伤的时候锻炼对你的健康是有害的 用英文怎么翻译


“受伤的小猫”英文怎么说 the injured cat injure本是动词,受伤,而它的ed形式则可以当成形容词用,意为受伤的,很多动词都可以这样用 injured little cat 指受了外伤的小猫 要是内心的呢 就是。帮我把以下翻译成英文 :我宁愿所有痛苦都留在心里,也不愿忘记你的眼睛,给我再去伤心的勇气,越过谎言去拥抱你. I would rather all the pain in my heart,also don't want to forget your eyes,give me courage to sad again,cross the lies to embrace you.英语翻译 I always feel upset,i ofen get angry with my parents and friends when i am in bad mood.i can't control my emotion very well.i feel so sorry about my bad actions.你伤了我的心英文是什么 你伤了2113我的心;你让我心碎:5261You broke my heart.1、Three months ago,you broke my heart.3个月前,你伤了我的心。2、No matter you lost job,you treated me bad,you broke up with me,or you broke my heart.不论你失业4102,你对我很坏,跟我分手1653,或者伤我的心。broke英[br??k];美[bro?k]vt.打破(break的过去式和过去分词);折断adj.破产的;缺乏资金的He broke with the tradition of setting examinations in Latin.他打破了用拉丁语出试卷的传统。扩展资料近义词:一、injurev.伤害,使受伤;损害1、The injured ankle began to swell.受伤的脚踝开始肿了。2、Pardoning the Bad is injuring the good饶了坏人便伤了好人二、harmv.伤害n.损害1、It will do harm.它会引起害处的。2、Good counsel does no harm忠言无害。3、Shit is harmful to your health.毒品对健康有害。英语翻译 The depth,eternity of univer and force,greatness of nature deeply touched the most mysterious string in the depth of Beethevon's heart.They evoked the sacred and lofty emotion in his broken heart,left a intense and unforgettable impression,and helped him disperse the darkness shrounded in his heart and detach himself from the misfortunes on the earth.当你的身体受伤的时候锻炼对你的健康是有害的 用英文怎么翻译 当你的身体受伤的时候锻炼对你的健康是有害的用英文怎么翻译:Do much exercise when you got injured is harmful to?伤 用英语怎么说? 如名词的话英语说:injury;wound;hurt如动词的话英语说:injure;wound;hurt其中:wound 一般稍重(比如战争中受伤之类);injure(名词injury)一般稍轻(而且有意外的意思)sadness 是心情悲伤的意思hurt 可以表示外在和内心的伤痛希望能帮到你:)如何用英语表达内心挣扎的感觉 on the wall behind him,motionless as though transfixe


