求一个发电厂电气毕业设计题目 [过程控制]基于单片机实现单回路智能调节.[电子通讯]脉冲数字频率计。ADSL 路由功能的配置[电子通讯]基于电话网络的测控仪器[电子通讯]课程设计,资料来源 www.lunwenqq.com请英语专家帮助翻译几篇论文的摘要!(汉译英) the electromagnetic radiation harm,improved thetransformer substation attendant's working conditions andso on. Key word:Electric power pollution,sustainable 。一篇关于110kV变电站设计的英文资料的翻译 Comprehensive approach of power system contingency analysisJ.Deuse,Member,IEEE,K.Karoui,Member,IEEE,A.Bihain,J.DuboisAbstract—Security of supply in power system supposes that the robustness of the system can be guaranteed in case of credible contingencies.This robustness relies on structural redundancy and on security margins.Traditionally,the“N-1”contingency analysis has been used for such check.This methodology leads to the definition of“sizing incidents”,or credible contingencies[1].The system is said“N-1”secure if it remains within its operating domain for these“sizing incidents”.Today some trends exist for relaxing the application of this criterion.This means that some emergency control actions must be implemented in the system for guaranteeing its security.This asks for their representation in the methodological approach used for evaluating the security of supply.This is not possible with traditional tools.Index Terms—Interconnected power system,industrial 。大学毕业,电气工程及其自动化专业,找工作。? 大学毕业,二本院校的一本专业,电气工程及其自动化专业毕业,找工作有哪些好一些的、合适的公司可找?对…
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