简奥斯丁的英文简介 Jane Austen was a major novelist,whose brilliantly witty,elegantly structured satirical fiction marks the transition in literature from 18th century neo-classicism to 19th century romanticism.Jane Austen was born on 16 December,1775,at the rectory in the village of Steventon,near Basingstoke,in Hampshire.The seventh of eight children of the Reverend George Austen and his wife,Cassandra,she was educated mainly at home and never lived apart from her family.She had a happy childhood amongst all her brothers and the other boys who lodged with the family and whom Mr Austen tutored.From her older sister,Cassandra,she was inseparable.To amuse themselves,the children wrote and performed plays and charades,and even as a little girl Jane was encouraged to write.The reading that she did of the books in her father's extensive library provided material for the short satirical sketches she wrote as a girl.At the age of 14 she wrote her first novel,Love and Freindship(sic)。有什么书值得推荐给大学生看? 本人浏览了这个问题下的一百个高赞答案和豆瓣相关榜单,再根据本人的读书经历,盘点出大学生该看的一些优…选傲慢与偏见作者运用哪些写作手法 一、《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯汀的代表作。这部作品以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和。求《傲慢与偏见》作者背景、创作背景,最好有英文版 简·奥斯汀[1](1775年12月16日~1817年7月18日)英国女小说家。生于乡村小镇斯蒂文顿,父亲是当地教区牧师。奥斯汀没有上过正规学校,但受到较好的家庭教育,主要教材就是。简.奥斯丁的写作特点.(英文介绍) Jane Austen's(1775–1817)distinctive literary style relies on a combination of parody,burlesque,irony,free indirect speech,and a degree of realism.She uses parody and burlesque for comic effect.
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