英语翻译 1,completed delivery(for example,when shipments came to a part of parts,issued after the meeting customers)2,fill installed(not installed when shipped to customers loaded up at the scene)英语翻译 After checking the Goods received,we found that one piece is mising for both type A and type B respectively.Please send the missing ones via DHL ASAP.We have already arranged the formalities for re.书面英文好的人,帮帮翻译一下这句话,“多扣的钱会用现金补发给你”. the additional deducted amount will be paid for you by cash这正式文件将在得到后补发给你们用英文怎么说 加发/补发用英语怎么说比如加发/补发文件等 加发/补发_有道翻译翻译结果:Add hair/replacementreplacement_有道词典replacement英[r?'ple?sm(?)nt]美[r?'plesm?nt]n.更换;复位;代替者;补充兵员更多释义>;>;[网络短语]replacement 替换,置换,替代者replacement ratio 置换率,替代率,置换比replacement assets 重置资产“我们会安排给你补发奖励” 翻译成英语怎么说? we will arange to send rewardfor you请问:补发 用英语怎么翻译 the other parts will give you later我们在发货时疏忽,少发了几件物品,会尽快补发过来. Due to a mistake we made when preparing for your order,a few items were not included in the delivery.We will send these missed items to you ASAP.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.加发/补发 用英语怎么说 Add send/Reissue
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