极限挑战 英文介绍 my favourite reality tv show is the impossible game.The tv programe has six famous male stars of china to take part in,the six men are huanglei,huangbo,sunhonglei,zhangyixing,luozhixiang and wangxun.it is very exciting and interesting because the six men should finish the impossible tasks that they have never done before.the tasks need people's intelligence,strong body and courage.i like huanglei the most,because he is the most clever.i also like sunhonglei and huangbo,because they seem selfish,in fact they care others very much.and zhangyixing is the member of EXO,he is very handsome and popular with girls.luozhixiang is very funny,i like him because where he is where the happiness is.wangxun is always cheated,but he is still kind to others.at the beginning i think it's an entertainment show,and later i find it is of highly education.from the program i learn a lot,i hope i can learn to challenge myself from the six men,i wish i can overcome my limitation and be kind to others。超越自我挑战极限英语怎么说 超越自我挑战极限英语翻译是:Transcend the limit of self challenge\ 挑战极限(push the envelope\ 挑战极限(push the envelope若有帮助请采纳,不明请追问记得采纳哟,嘻嘻.挑战极限英语怎么说? challenge the extremes英文翻译: \ challenge your limits
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