秦巴牛奶倒入搅拌机的英语怎么说 秦巴牛奶倒入搅拌机Qin Ba the milk into the blender英汉互译 1 怎么回事 What happened?2你可以向警察寻求帮助 You can ask the police for help.3将牛奶倒入搅拌器中 Put the milk into the blander.4我周末总是和朋友一起出去闲逛 I always wander out with my friends on th.\ Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒入搅拌机Put the apple into the blender.把苹果放入搅拌机请把牛奶倒进搅拌机里翻译成英语 Please pour the milk into the mixer/bender/stirrer.求采纳U7 1. 把牛奶倒入搅拌器。 _____ the milk ??????_____ the blander. 2. 让我 qianhu.wejianzhan.com 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间 赞赏答主 5 10 50 100 200 已赞赏0财富值 合计:0 财富值 登录后英语翻译 banana&milkcut the banana into piecesput the banana into mixer and pour the milk into mixer at the same timemix well\ Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒入搅拌机Put the apple into the blender.把苹果放入搅拌机英语翻译(句子) 1 Pour the milk into the mixer.2 Cut to pieces 3 bananas.3 Put some sour milk and two teaspoon honeys on the bread first.4 Please eliminate an apple for me.5 How many apples do you want to put into th.翻译题。 1.make a banana milk shake 2.turn on the blender 3.cut up an onion 4.pour some milk into the英语翻译 1.The sugar and egg yolk together,with the mixer sent,dozen ivory2.Pour the milk into the pot and bring to slightly open3.Will cook good milk,use ladle out slowly into a good egg mixture,stirring side.
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